Mytrack/Sierra question

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Well-known member
I've just started to use Sierra Charts with mytrack 'Silver Plan' as the data feed.

I've created 30 minute charts for the DAX & FTSE. The problem is that I don't connect every day and for days where I haven't connected the historical intraday data only shows from 13:00 (UK local time).

Various ppl on the board (mooms, Jay, etc) have said this is normal for mytrack - so it's not just a problem with my system.

My question is : how can I get the full historic data without having to connect every day. Are there extra options I need from mytack that will allow me to get it?

I'd be very grateful to anyone who has answers to this as so far mytrack themselves haven't been real helpful.

Happy New Year to all.

I think that is the Achilles ' heel with Sierra- a poor EOD system.
I was really pleased with AIQ TEP pro as an EOD system, but I did have to use Prestel as my EOD feed as MyTrack EOD data was appaling for UK data....
Is any one else having a total nightmare today with their MYtrack feed thro Sierra.....

I get live price on the right had side of the chart , but none of the candles are updating.....

Any suggestions , I tried every thing I can think of and no luck , and Sierra kindly posting on their forum that it aint their problem!!!
