in view of all the recent 'falling out's' & seeing as though u r obviously a wiz with technology............what do u think of having a virtual ''outside'' kinda link in the website.
then instead of people just endlessly arguing about could say ''right u .....outside!!!'' , then be taken to a sort of 'Virtual fighter' 'Tekken' arena......where we could watch them kick the c**p out of each other 😀
u never know if it took off, seeing as though we r all Gamblers at heart........we could even lay bets on em!
fighter of the month!
p.s. if u ever do go ahead with this Idea .................could u ask MMA to come back please, as I should think he would keep us entertained for weeks :cheesy:
in view of all the recent 'falling out's' & seeing as though u r obviously a wiz with technology............what do u think of having a virtual ''outside'' kinda link in the website.
then instead of people just endlessly arguing about could say ''right u .....outside!!!'' , then be taken to a sort of 'Virtual fighter' 'Tekken' arena......where we could watch them kick the c**p out of each other 😀
u never know if it took off, seeing as though we r all Gamblers at heart........we could even lay bets on em!
fighter of the month!
p.s. if u ever do go ahead with this Idea .................could u ask MMA to come back please, as I should think he would keep us entertained for weeks :cheesy: