Scanning data into Exel


Well-known member
I have some hard copy papers (containing figures which were produced in Exel) which i'd like to scan into my own exel work sheet. The problem i have is that the software which runs my scanner is pretty basic and will only let me save it as a word file or powerpoint application. Rather than type out all of the figures again, is there any way i can scan the document directly into exel (along with all the formatting) or via another application.
Sorry to have to state the obvious but it has to be asked.

Have you tried a cut and paste from word to excel?

If you have, what went wrong/why does it fail ?
I can load the information into word without a problem- only trouble is that it doesn't retain the formatting- you can't manipulate the figures- you can only view them.
Sounds like it's scanning into word as a bitmap. Not much use to you.

Have you checked out OCR software products? A quick Google produces a large selection.
Hi Bramble
Thx for your reply- do you know of any free downloads which could help with this matter? I think your right about the bitmap- the information that has scanned into word is more like a picture or photo that has been scanned.