RVS trade assist portal


new to trading and new to forums.
would like to know if anyone uses the RVS portal as it seems the right thing for me but as I don't know what there competition is im not sure if the initial outlay is competitive or over the top?
new to trading and new to forums.
would like to know if anyone uses the RVS portal as it seems the right thing for me but as I don't know what there competition is im not sure if the initial outlay is competitive or over the top?

I would ask them for verified (by well known institution) track record, otherwise, looks like simulation from their website... Looks like they are making money from selling the dream, not from actual trading:

"Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations unlike actual performance record: simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or overcompensated of the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No presentation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those predicted or shown."
Why not try a simple strategy from the internet on a demo account? Then another, then another. There are hundreds scattered across forums and websites, free of charge, and no less likely to meet what you need than one you would be charged for.
Why not try a simple strategy from the internet on a demo account? Then another, then another. There are hundreds scattered across forums and websites, free of charge, and no less likely to meet what you need than one you would be charged for.

thanks I have been looking just trying to take it all in
RVS Trade pothole!

Did you go for the trade assist portal programme?

I have become a member of this RVS trade assist Portal club! Initially it seemed to be good and I had no problem, they assured me with a 100% refund if in the first year of trade I did not make the equivalent cash profit of the £4500.00 cost with a £2000.00 investment of capital. They assured me that I would receive personal help from their traders giving advice and help to make investment decisions to maximise this profit potential. I was also told if I did not make a profit of £30,000.00 in two years of trading the second install meant of £5,000.00 would not be payable to them. This all made me feel that I had nothing to worry about. How ever the advice I received led to loss after loss and any profit made at the start were soon diminished. Eventually the arranged telephone calls with the support team stopped and my emails were unanswered (I had no support) and no contact leaving me high and dry. I wondered if I had been the victim of a scam. In total I have paid £4925.00 plus £799.00 for life time data supply package which they have now suspended after just 9 months. They will not respond to my emails and phone line is dead. They keep issuing press releases on a third party site but links from these are all dead ends. Has any body else had a similar experience?
Beware RVS Portal

Think I have also been done by RVS Portal like Gullable Guy. Lots of guarantees to return investment after 1 year etc but they have dropped off the radar for 3 months, phone lines not live, no email response so looks like they have done a runner. Lessons learnt, swallow pride and move on.
Believe they have traded before under different name but same principle so beware as sure they will try it again
As they say - if it looks too good to be true...
Think I have also been done by RVS Portal like Gullable Guy. Lots of guarantees to return investment after 1 year etc but they have dropped off the radar for 3 months, phone lines not live, no email response so looks like they have done a runner. Lessons learnt, swallow pride and move on.
Believe they have traded before under different name but same principle so beware as sure they will try it again
As they say - if it looks too good to be true...

Hi suckermaz, I guess if there are just 60 of us that were sold this slick package then RVS have banked around £300,000. Not a bad return! This is undoubtedly a fraudulent crime and needs investigating. They should be caught and prosecuted to prevent others from being caught out. It will be interesting to see if any others join this post, I would not be surprised, as the whole con was very slick with all the very high quality print and packaging etc.
reporting them

For info I am reporting Marketsystems.co.uk to the FCA and ActionFraud. Not expecting anything back in the way of £'s as they have been spent, but just to report and warn others to beware of this sort of scam
For info I am reporting Marketsystems.co.uk to the FCA and ActionFraud. Not expecting anything back in the way of £'s as they have been spent, but just to report and warn others to beware of this sort of scam

Hi suckermaz, If you have not already removed RVS portal from your machine I would advise to do so. I have been experiencing a lot of malware and had to go to Apple tech support to get my Mac back. also not to sure about marketshare web site!!
I am chasing RVS via my Barclaycard payment so they will be investigating fraud and about 4 weeks back I informed the Metropolitan Police fraud squad. I think if more people like us come forward by reading our thread and raise a complaint the more chance there is of stopping these fraudsters. We cannot be the only mugs can we?