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On autotrader it they bet it is only one of bet... so if they bet 3 lots of $100... they only lose $300. I presume you're talking about double up etc.... they don't do this on autotrader.

SO when they dropped to $90 in the A/C they just bet with $50 and won $100.... so it was easy enough for them to return the account to a healthier $750.

Thanks for clarifing how autotrader works. yes I was assuming it was double up style. Do you have a list of bets placed , times,and the indicies as it would be interesting to see if they are the same as those sent out for alerts.
Have you found out what happens if they do lose all the money in your account. I assume that they can only use the amount you put in for autotrder or that it has won not money you have won yourself
I understand that they just have the $800... so once i have a profit month i'll be taking out the profit and leave the $800 in there..... There is no mention of what happens if they lose all the money... but i've checked the paperwork to ensure that my $800 is a one off payment only.

this is my previous 10 days history...

-Dec-09 17h02GMT 16020315 Intraday Down: win AUD200 if US Tech Composite Index is HIGHER at 17h10 than at 18h00 GMT on 1-DEC-09.
details 106.73 10-Dec-09 06h11GMT 200.00 + 93.27
3-Dec-09 12h04GMT 16051339 Intraday Up: win AUD200 if UK Index is LOWER at 12h10 than at 13h00 GMT on 3-DEC-09.
details 106.43 10-Dec-09 06h11GMT 200.00 + 93.57
10-Dec-09 13h04GMT 16155713 Intraday Down: win AUD200 if Italian Index is HIGHER at 13h10 than at 14h00 GMT on 10-DEC-09.
details 106.74 11-Dec-09 16h20GMT 200.00 + 93.26
11-Dec-09 11h37GMT 16168714 Intraday Up: win AUD400 if French Index is LOWER at 11h50 than at 14h00 GMT on 11-DEC-09.
details 213.00 11-Dec-09 16h20GMT 400.00 + 187.00
11-Dec-09 16h33GMT 16172862 Intraday Down: win AUD200 if US Tech Composite Index is HIGHER at 16h40 than at 18h00 GMT on 11-DEC-09.
details 106.90 15-Dec-09 11h13GMT 0.00 -106.90
17-Dec-09 09h51GMT 16247031 Intraday Down: win AUD100 if Euro 150 Index is HIGHER at 10h00 than at 10h30 GMT on 17-DEC-09.
details 53.21 17-Dec-09 10h37GMT 100.00 + 46.79
18-Dec-09 11h41GMT 16266806 Intraday Down: win AUD100 if Euro 150 Index is HIGHER at 11h50 than at 12h20 GMT on 18-DEC-09.
details 53.66 18-Dec-09 12h27GMT 100.00 + 46.34

please remember i really don't understand this too well yet...!!!!
Couple of questions guys,
1. Who else here keeps data on alerts
2. Apart from BOM does anyone know of any site that gives historical intraday data. BOM only gives a couple of months back

I have gone back through my email alerts many which were back before the 3 bet system and a lot that I hadn't acted on. I want to check the win data on them but there is over 300 alerts to check. If anyone could help out I'd appreciate it. If you can help email or message me

Yeah, If it was to go down this hour that would make it the 5th hour win.
It did, I spose that's good for anyone using a 6 bet system.

Even the six bet system would not have saved you. It missed the first three hours of the 22/12 making it a ninth hour win.
Even the six bet system would not have saved you. It missed the first three hours of the 22/12 making it a ninth hour win.
Actually bet started at 0910 GMT
UK higher at 19.59 tonight 21st Dec'?
Think you may have been mixing the EST time quoted with GMT time

Start 0910 GMT 5226.83
Bet 1 1000 GMT 5228.4 Loss
Bet 2 1100 GMT 5237.07 Loss
Bet 3 1200 GMT 5252.76 Loss
Bet 4 1300 GMT 5262.92 Loss
Bet 5 1400 GMT 5259.48 Win
Actually bet started at 0910 GMT

Think you may have been mixing the EST time quoted with GMT time

Start 0910 GMT 5226.83
Bet 1 1000 GMT 5228.4 Loss
Bet 2 1100 GMT 5237.07 Loss
Bet 3 1200 GMT 5252.76 Loss
Bet 4 1300 GMT 5262.92 Loss
Bet 5 1400 GMT 5259.48 Win

My mistake. I looked at the results later that night from memory and must have misread that 1400 result. I don't keep a record of index numbers but I try to keep a good record of alerts and how far they go for my own stats. I had written in my journal that it missed the rest of that day.
My My things are quiet here. Trust all had a good Chrissie and new year!

Happy New Year to everyone,

Was thinking thing were quite myself, thought that everyone might have had an extra good Christmas of trading and no longer interested in thread, could that be so??

Over the last few weeks PGI have been very accurate on my markets. The alerts are coming later at night so its difficult for me to bet because I need a lot of sleep.

Unfortunately there have been two occasions where I put bets on and failed to go and double up on 2nd and third hours (due to lack of sleep) which means I'm in the red. However if I had been following the system properly I would be up around $700.00. I'll be up late tonight and hopefully get some good results.

I'm on hollidays in the ACT, won't be back home till 22/1/10. Have not been following trades since Christmas, how has it been going?


I'm on hollidays in the ACT, won't be back home till 22/1/10. Have not been following trades since Christmas, how has it been going?


Since the 28th I have not bet on all of the alerts, probably about 60 - 70 % and every one of them have got up. Most in the 1st & 2nd hour and 2 in the 3rd.
Since Christmas there has been 40 alerts with 3 losses.
December finished in profit by $2505.
November had profit of $1941
January is currently up by $229

This does not take into consideration any last second winning/losing bets that are kept/not made or bets that are sold.

I've gone through a lot of figures ensuring they are correct and also looking at alternative methods apart from the 3 bet strategy with some interesting results. I'll put them in my next message

Alerts since 11May09 384
The loss percentage has been going down since August fairly steadily.
In 24Jul09 the loss percentage was 24%. It has dropped to 15.6% now, it's lowest level.
Interestingly the 1st bet win % has actually dropped, now at 43%, despite the overall win percentage increasing.
The 2nd bet win has increased significantly going from 23% to 30%.
The 3rd bet win has also increased a bit now at 13%.
Overall the win percentage has increased from 76% in July09 to just over 84% now. Hopefully this trend will continue.
Last edited:
The results of some alternative trading strategies I have been researching

Based on 382 alerts since 11May09.
Overall Win 84.8%
1st bet win 42.9%
2nd bet win 30.4%
3rd bet win 11.5%
Losing alert 15.2%

I studied various strategies. The basic 3 bet and 6 bet system using 200 and 50 as base bets. I also tried a 2 bet system, a reverse 1st bet plus 1, Reverse bet plus 2 and reverse bet plus 3.
The most profitable system I came up with was a reverse 1st bet plus 2. It is based on betting against the alert for the 1st hour. If the alert wins you lose the bet and stop. If the alert loses the 1st hour then you win your bet and bet with the alert for the 2nd hour, then again the 3rd if required. Difference being that since you won the 1st hour you bet the same instead of doubling for the 2nd hour. This means on a losing alert you would lose $502.25 instead of $1757.25. This takes a lot of the stress off the 3rd hour alerts.

Heres the results I got for all the systems with profit figures for all alerts since June09 and also since November09 for comparison. I excluded May since it was the worst month.

System since June 2009 (336 alerts)
3 Bet System -$24188
6 Bet System -$16803
2 Bet System -$8971
Reverse Single $5819
Reverse +1 $8123
Reverse +2 $11864
Reverse +3 $9767

System since November 2009 (142 alerts)
3 Bet System $3423
6 Bet System $7511
2 Bet System $1130
Reverse Single $4341
Reverse +1 $8236
Reverse +2 $12614
Reverse +3 $13432

All the systems had months that they made money and all had months where they lost. July and October09 all systems lost money (also in May but those losses are not included in above figures)

It should be noted that all systems have made a profit since November09.
Although the Reverse + 3 has been the most profitable system since November I prefer the Reverse + 2 as the losing bet is lower. When there are more losses that go beyond a 4th hour that is when the shorter Reverse systems make a larger difference by not losing as much.

If anyone wants the full results message me. I have it all on Excel.
The results of some alternative trading strategies I have been researching

Based on 382 alerts since 11May09.
Overall Win 84.8%
1st bet win 42.9%
2nd bet win 30.4%
3rd bet win 11.5%
Losing alert 15.2%

I studied various strategies. The basic 3 bet and 6 bet system using 200 and 50 as base bets. I also tried a 2 bet system, a reverse 1st bet plus 1, Reverse bet plus 2 and reverse bet plus 3.
The most profitable system I came up with was a reverse 1st bet plus 2. It is based on betting against the alert for the 1st hour. If the alert wins you lose the bet and stop. If the alert loses the 1st hour then you win your bet and bet with the alert for the 2nd hour, then again the 3rd if required. Difference being that since you won the 1st hour you bet the same instead of doubling for the 2nd hour. This means on a losing alert you would lose $502.25 instead of $1757.25. This takes a lot of the stress off the 3rd hour alerts.

Heres the results I got for all the systems with profit figures for all alerts since June09 and also since November09 for comparison. I excluded May since it was the worst month.

System since June 2009 (336 alerts)
3 Bet System -$24188
6 Bet System -$16803
2 Bet System -$8971
Reverse Single $5819
Reverse +1 $8123
Reverse +2 $11864
Reverse +3 $9767

System since November 2009 (142 alerts)
3 Bet System $3423
6 Bet System $7511
2 Bet System $1130
Reverse Single $4341
Reverse +1 $8236
Reverse +2 $12614
Reverse +3 $13432

All the systems had months that they made money and all had months where they lost. July and October09 all systems lost money (also in May but those losses are not included in above figures)

It should be noted that all systems have made a profit since November09.
Although the Reverse + 3 has been the most profitable system since November I prefer the Reverse + 2 as the losing bet is lower. When there are more losses that go beyond a 4th hour that is when the shorter Reverse systems make a larger difference by not losing as much.

If anyone wants the full results message me. I have it all on Excel.

Congratulations, seems you have a system that makes mathematical sense.
Good morning all,
I was wondering if anyone else was betting on the French alert last night. I bet with the alert but at about the 27 min mark past the hour I had trouble with the betonmarket site not loading the graph from the deatails page to see how it was going. I found another way to see what was going on and could see that it was going to lose so tried to put another bet on but couldn't do that either.
Looking back this morning now that everything is working again the alert got up on the 2nd hour.
The time intervals for the French intraday prices on the 18-01-10 are not right. If you look at the time between 12:00 GMT and 15:00 GMT the intervals jump up to 90mintues instead of 10 minutes... Something happened then which wasn't meant too.