Nat Gas Advice Requested


I'm an independent trader with experience in refined products trading on the NYMEX, particularly spreads and cracks. I'd like to try my hand at Nat Gas Calendar month spreads and was hoping for any advice on how to successfully trade them. Whether it be fundamental or good technical indicators to use, anything anyone in this group has found successful for them would be greatly appreciated.

H/J spread has always been of interest but other than the typical technical methods or scalping that you would use anywhere else the edge is really in knowing the physical business. This is how John Arnold takes so much from that market, he can probablly pick up the phone any time and find out exactly what is going on from all the physical hubs and with all the big commercal books. One market to be very cautious of as Brian Hunter certainly found out.
Agriggs, sorry about the late reply.

I find 4Hourly charts as a good time frame to trade nat gas on. Good luck.