People make me laugh

that's two threads in two days have degenerated into slanging matches.....cabin fever, slow market. classic signs.

This is gentle banter where I come from. This is the most polite forum I am a member on. I am actually doing someone a favour here. If you don't realise you are embarassing yourself, then someone needs to have a gentle word in private. Well... not quite private...

I am on other forums that are downright vicious. I think this is one reason Mr Rothschild has gotten away with calling people retards and spastics so long. It's like the guy in the last year of Junior school being the bully who doesn't realise how screwed he'll be when he gets to high school and he has no buddies to protect him from the REAL bad guys.

It seems there is a group of people who get their kicks saying things on the interweb they wouldn't dare to say to people in real life. It would be fair to say our Mr R would have had the crap knocked out of him several times over where he to talk to people like this in meatspace.

At some point, someone is bound to take up the mantle and knock him down a peg or 10, just for his insults. When you combine the insults with his lack of class, well even a pleasant chap like me can't resist having a gentle prod.

Class - taking a chick out, buying her an expensive bottle of wine, not revealing the price to her or even bringing price up.
No Class - going out, drinking an expensive bottle of wine, making sure you get on teh interweb straght away to brag about it.

With such a lack of class, it's either new money or no money. I reckon the latter.

People do make me laugh. :p
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I assure you that Mr. R, whatever his faults, would not have any trouble saying that to someone in real life...

Good grief- A character reference from arabianights - could things get any worse for Mr R ????

I do tend to agree though - I am sure he'd have no trouble saying it to anyone he thought weaker than himself.

On the other hand, appearances are deceptive and that is why, in fact he does not go around calling strangers retards and spastics in real life as he does on the board.

The fact that he is still breathing is testament to this fact. Also - the fact that he hasn't been bragging about it on here. Or are there some "I'm dead hard, me" threads waiting in the wings ?

Hope this helps.
Some folk like getting the kick ****ted out of them,....(those are the guys you gotta worry aboot) ; )
Class - taking a chick out, buying her an expensive bottle of wine, not revealing the price to her or even bringing price up.

"Chick"? Blimey DT, your slang is almost as dated as mine.
Are you a hep cat daddyoh?

Seriously though, I don't think anyone really knows what anybody else one encounters on t'internet is like in real life unless one has occasion to meet them. Even then one can be taken in. Didn't people know (or thought they knew) Waps in real life? (the bar bill story).

Internet personas are assumed. Some people like to play with it (especially the sad multinick types), but even people who do not set out to deceive are not necessarily displaying their real personality on the web.

People also come here to let off steam, perhaps after an especially bad or good day.
How does the quote box work?
I see the "Quote message in reply?" box,...but can't do owt with it (that's my northern accent BTW) : /
I assure you that Mr. R, whatever his faults, would not have any trouble saying that to someone in real life...

So you know him then. Is he really as rich as Croesus?
Do tell, because if he is, it rather undermines one of the pillars of DT's case against NR.
Only one of them though.