When I look for penny stocks the key is finding a company that has the cash and profitability to back its value and also show upside. East West is pretty much trading at cash or below, has a profitable oil division and is in the midst of closing a major deal with a multi billion dollar Serbia Energy company for a royalty on a million acres of land that has already seen around $100 million dollars in investment. Below is the company financial information that can be verified on Sedar, along with all the management discussion notes that breakdown the assets in detail.
East West Petroleum Corp Q1 2022 Results. All Information Is Available On Sedar.
Symbols: EW (Canada) – EWPMF (USA) – 37A (Frankfurt)
Prices (August 29, 2022): $0.09CAD - $0.04USD - €0.04EUR
Shares Outstanding: 89,585,665
Options: 2.79 Million (Between $0.06 and $0.135)
Warrants: Nil
Allowable Capital Losses: $8,440,000
Non-Capital Losses Available For Future Periods: $28,550,000
Canada: $17,329,000 from 2026-2042 & New Zealand: $11,221,000 No Expiry Date
**See Audited Results For More Details**
Cash: $5,044,036
GST Receivable: $5,129
Amounts Receivable: $592,173
Oil Inventory: $145,663
Prepaid Expenses: $25,260
Property, Plant & Equipment: $269,156
Total Assets: $6,081,417
Accounts Payables: $540,255
Decommissioning Liabilities: $1,102,282
Total Liabilities: $1,642,537
Q1 2022 Performance
Revenue: $1,016,787
Net Income: $250,011