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    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      $NVDA makes 8% in extended hours after after earnings. Putting the company closer to a $3 Trillion market cap! Moving it's founder up...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      In < 50 years everyone can be a #millionaire through the power of compounding at different % ROI's 7% roughly 10 years to double 10%...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      Is it stupid to still buy #GameStop or #AMC? Title of my last video ^^ The answer isn't so easy but one is a much better "investment"...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      hey 5% risk free rate is already close to PFE's legendary 5.94% div that go investors tripping over themselves.
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler reacted to FranziskaSchulz's post in the thread My Latest Swing Trades with Like Like.
      damn dude... damn... why would you keep that much money in cash?! i would never trust any place to let them have this much of cash! i...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      Where my $NVDA fans at? I'm actually am a bit 🪼 of mac users right now. Desktop chatgpt app for Mac any day now. While windows...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      Find the easter egg in the video! Name the prize for me to consider. How to buy treasury bills like Warren Buffet:
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      What % do you have in cash?
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      When chat gpt 5? [Comment below]
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      There's not much the Fed can do right now. But I wouldn't be surprised if we've been over-correcting. I really wonder if this whole...
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      Them $COIN Call Option Premiums are all over the place. Get paid more the more outa' the money it goes🤣 Don't mind if I do 🍻
      • 1714731320280.png
    • alexwinkler
      alexwinkler replied to the thread My Latest Swing Trades.
      Roughly $10 Trillion In #IRA's Roughly $10 Trillion in #ETF's Roughly $50 Billion now in the new #Bitcoin ETF's More on its way? $IBIT...
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