New Trading Indicators Forum (Coming Soon!)


We'll shortly be launching a brand new forum on T2W to enable traders to share indicators (and EAs) they've written themselves. If you're a coder of indicators; then we'd like to hear from you, as before we go live we want some feedback about the way the forum is set-up and some indicators to seed the forum with, to demonstrate how it can work.

The format of the forum will be different from all others and will be tailored to showcase the indicator by providing some basic information on it; such as the platform it's been designed for; whether you wish to provide support and the ability to track installs; and notify installers of updates.

Also we'll be adding the ability for regular members to make donations via PayPal to show their appreciation.

Therefore if you're interested in being a beta-tester, please send me a quick PM and I'll set you up.