Networking Question


Well-known member
I'm currently running a network of win98 machines using a sygate DCHP proxy server.

I'm looking to add a laptop running Win XP will i need the Pro version or Home version
or doesn't it matter ?
The difference XP home and pro

The main difference is the home version can't join a Windows Domain, this would only apply if you were running Windows 2000/2003 (or old NT4) server. Otherwise for pier to pier it should not matter and hence i would go for the home version as it is cheaper.
That was easy, just plug-in and go.

Now i would like to have the option to make the XP home Laptop the Net Server

XP whats me to use a floppy disk to distribute the network system files and settings or use an XP disk

The laptop doesn't have a floppy drive and i dont have an XP disk as it was pre-installed
and it doesn't give me the option to write to CD neither.

How do i proceed ?

and is there a maximum of machines that can be networked with XP home to the net ?
I'd guess you have two options here, there may be others:-
1) Buy a USB floppy drive
2) Complain bitterly to whoever flogged you the laptop, I always insist on a Windows CD being supplied - I'll pay extra for it if I have to (and if it's still a bargain)... not having a Windows CD leaves you hostage to all sorts of horror.
For (1) an example is at
for a shade under £25, there are others of course.