nasty invasive CMC advert


Legendary member
that CMC advert seems to expand whenever the mouse rolls over it.

irritating when you're really not interested.
and if the mouse hovers too long over the advert, it starts audio.

its stopping me from picking the options I actually want, eg, "mark Forums read" or using "search" facility, as I now have to move the mouse around the ad.

invasive. irritating.
The Secret (the only one worth knowing).

With Firefox 3 and Adblock Plus you need never be bothered by those b' irritating adverts again. What's more the pages are perfectly formatted after they are removed unlike that advert loving product from Micro softee.
Hi folks.

I'll look into the CMC problem; it shouldn't do what you're describing it as doing so I'll feed back to the developers and see what can be done.
I find the add quite offensive as well as invasive, and I'm sure that jimmy nesbitt is bordering on taking the **** lol!

It also slows/freezes t2w.
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I find the add quite offensive, and I'm sure that jimmy nesbitt is bordering on taking the **** lol!

I am now completely conditioned against CMC. I hope their ad manager is satisfied!
Sorry for delay.

This ad has now been amended, and should now expand only when CLICKED, and not when the mouse goes over it. Might take a few minutes for the ad server to update.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
Sorry for delay.

This ad has now been amended, and should now expand only when CLICKED, and not when the mouse goes over it. Might take a few minutes for the ad server to update.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

thanks for making the changes. its much better. (quieter, and contained in its own box)
I am now completely conditioned against CMC. I hope their ad manager is satisfied!

Same here! and to top it all one of their salesman called me day before to push opening an account. I hate them with a vengeance now :clap: