My journal to finacial freedom whilst dealing with a nasty case of kipper **** ptIIII



this is it kidz, the biggest and bestest journal to hit t2w.....(y)

Unfortunately I couldn't spell it.....move on now ladies...
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Tomorrow's another day, might even bring flashies thread to it's knees with some duff calls!
Can I see a statement pls to validate your genius?

No problem Joe... I mean robster:p, my aim is to give complete transparency in my journal:whistling


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May I be the first to congratulate you on the open and honest manner in which you are running this journal. Full disclosure, total transperancy and not a shred of ambiguity. That short was a truly great trade, is it still open ?, or are you expecting more to the downside ?
No problem Joe... I mean robster:p, my aim is to give complete transparency in my journal:whistling


Incidentally, are you planning on running a chat room or signal service? I'd dearly like to not bother understanding how to trade and live in a dream that perhaps you could make me rich beyond my wettest dreams for a small monthly fee.
Looks photoshopped to my highly untrained eye.
Did you average in at some unavailable price?


I hate the way some participants on this site are so cynical. Leave the man alone, after all he is responsible for my wet dreams.
Looks photoshopped to my highly untrained eye.
Did you average in at some unavailable price?

How very dare you Peter! My mentor was a great man by the name of medbs, he taught me to, no lose one pip, 100% right, no critisizesss til the end of may, oh shiz this trade isn't coming back time to squirm and wriggle my way out of this by claiming it was a risky trade so trading reduced size, shyte rumbled time to scarper!
Many here have tried to replicate his trades and actions, unsurprisingly they've managed to and with alarming accuracy.

Unlike medbs I never average in, I don't need to as my analysis is always right. Take this mornings trade on e/u, I was long from 1.0001, I've now closed for a total 3525.3 pips. What exactly do you mean by unavailable price:whistling

May I be the first to congratulate you on the open and honest manner in which you are running this journal. Full disclosure, total transperancy and not a shred of ambiguity. That short was a truly great trade, is it still open ?, or are you expecting more to the downside ?

Thanks hare, it really was quite a corker.... can you let me know what I claimed I was short on as can't remember and I don't wish to look silly when I claim a 5 large in pips on closing this trade.