multiple timeframe confirmation


Active member

I just want to share something that took me ages to clickeven though it is so simple and logical it is just ridiculous.As far as i'm concerned there is three kinds of trades.Swing trade,where you trade with the trend usually on a retracement.Breakout of a consolidation pattern and trend reversal where you trade against the trend.

Now the problem I had trading trend reversal is multiple timeframe confirmation but when you trade a trend reversal you can't look to the higher timeframe fot the trend.If you have a uptrend on the 15m chart and you think the trend is excausted that it will reverse looking toward the higher timeframe is not gonna help you.So why not look at the next lower timeframe

If you trade a trend reversal looking at a 15m chart which is in a uptrend then you should look at the 5m chart.Only take a trend reversal if the 5 min chart is already in a down trend and hopefully a strong one.Ofcourse most people say that you should multiple your timeframe by four/or divide it in this case but people seem to use the 5m and 15m frame cause that is all that is avialible on the meta trader platform.

Makes sense yet it took me a long time to have this :idea:moment

tell me what you think
When you trade reversal on 15 minute chart, it is wise to put up 2 ema's on your one hour and 3 hour chart to see where the trouble is. If the ema's are trying about to intersect on a larger time frame, there will be resistance, rejection, or a mini-breakout on your 15 min chart. Then at least you know why!

I use 5 ema and 10 ema, for instance