Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Hi guys just some info on something which may be of interest

First of all my names Shaun and I'm a broker for a company called OneTwoTrade.

All I'm going to do is post a link of a video entailing abit about what exactly we do, and if learning a profitable trading skill for free or even making money through smart options tickles your fancy.
Feel free to give me a quick email on my personal address [email protected]

Cheers guys

Apart from the fact I can't work out what the hell you're offering/selling the fact you have this:

OneTwoTrade does not offer a financial investment product, and is not licenced or regulated by the Financial Services Authority. For information on responsible betting, please click on the link above.

on your website doesn't fill me with confidence.
I never understood why people pay thousands for someone to teach them a system to trade lol. Simple fact of the matter is if they are charging you thousands then that's probably their source of income, and not trading.... and that leads onto why learn something that they can't get to work for themselves.

In my opinion if you're gonna pay for a bit of knowledge, yeah give someone a couple hundred quid to spend a few days watching them trade and explain a couple of real concepts about the markets in general to get you going, but don't go paying thousands for a system... that's just stupid, and will probably be the worse trade you make.

I don't know about any other full time traders, but I really couldn't be bothered to do webinars and manage a class of people who are green as grass. To me it's a case of why would I want to take on the extra work load and hassle? In my eyes you should question a trader that does lol.
I never understood why people pay thousands for someone to teach them a system to trade lol. Simple fact of the matter is if they are charging you thousands then that's probably their source of income, and not trading.... and that leads onto why learn something that they can't get to work for themselves.

In my opinion if you're gonna pay for a bit of knowledge, yeah give someone a couple hundred quid to spend a few days watching them trade and explain a couple of real concepts about the markets in general to get you going, but don't go paying thousands for a system... that's just stupid, and will probably be the worse trade you make.

I don't know about any other full time traders, but I really couldn't be bothered to do webinars and manage a class of people who are green as grass. To me it's a case of why would I want to take on the extra work load and hassle? In my eyes you should question a trader that does lol.

I never understood why people pay thousands for someone to teach them a system to trade lol. Simple fact of the matter is if they are charging you thousands then that's probably their source of income, and not trading.... and that leads onto why learn something that they can't get to work for themselves.

In my opinion if you're gonna pay for a bit of knowledge, yeah give someone a couple hundred quid to spend a few days watching them trade and explain a couple of real concepts about the markets in general to get you going, but don't go paying thousands for a system... that's just stupid, and will probably be the worse trade you make.

I don't know about any other full time traders, but I really couldn't be bothered to do webinars and manage a class of people who are green as grass. To me it's a case of why would I want to take on the extra work load and hassle? In my eyes you should question a trader that does lol.

I've gotta reply to this post because I totally disagree. I have been a professional prop trader and now trade my own account. I've got over 8 years trading experience but absolutely love to teach new traders how to trade. I produce daily videos that I share for free on my blog with trade ideas and little educational bits and bobs and I also encourage anyone who watches my videos to get in touch and ask any questions they want. It is all totally free but I love doing it for a couple of reasons;

Firstly, there is nothing better than seeing people make money from your advice. Have you ever told a friend or family to buy a stock and seen it shoot to the moon making them a ton of money? It a great feeling and I get that feeling on a daily basis.
Secondly, you'd be amazed at the improvement in your own p&l when you are helping new traders out. The reason that good trading firms include mentorship roles as part of their career progression is because by teaching others how to trade you are forever stretching the boundaries of your own ability to successfully trade, and it also cements your existing experience and knowledge.
Thirdly, although I agree that black box systems etc are a waste of money, it seems totally reasonable that mentors do charge a fee. It always makes me laugh on these forums when you see people say "if so and so can make money trading why do a trading service?". That is such a silly argument..Richard Branson, Duncan Banantyne, Jack Welsh, Donald trump etc. Are you saying that because these guys have all written and sold books about business they must actually be **** at business or why would they bother? Of course not!
My guess is that only people who don't actually make money trading would ever say something so absurd. This is because real traders get that it is bloody hard work..not some dream job that losing traders think it would be if only they could work out how to stop losing.
And because it is bloody hard work, an extra source of income from offering a service should be seen as totally reasonable. Not as proof that a trader can't trade!

Thanks for reading
I've gotta reply to this post because I totally disagree. I have been a professional prop trader and now trade my own account. I've got over 8 years trading experience but absolutely love to teach new traders how to trade. I produce daily videos that I share for free on my blog with trade ideas and little educational bits and bobs and I also encourage anyone who watches my videos to get in touch and ask any questions they want. It is all totally free but I love doing it for a couple of reasons;

Firstly, there is nothing better than seeing people make money from your advice. Have you ever told a friend or family to buy a stock and seen it shoot to the moon making them a ton of money? It a great feeling and I get that feeling on a daily basis.
Secondly, you'd be amazed at the improvement in your own p&l when you are helping new traders out. The reason that good trading firms include mentorship roles as part of their career progression is because by teaching others how to trade you are forever stretching the boundaries of your own ability to successfully trade, and it also cements your existing experience and knowledge.
Thirdly, although I agree that black box systems etc are a waste of money, it seems totally reasonable that mentors do charge a fee. It always makes me laugh on these forums when you see people say "if so and so can make money trading why do a trading service?". That is such a silly argument..Richard Branson, Duncan Banantyne, Jack Welsh, Donald trump etc. Are you saying that because these guys have all written and sold books about business they must actually be **** at business or why would they bother? Of course not!
My guess is that only people who don't actually make money trading would ever say something so absurd. This is because real traders get that it is bloody hard work..not some dream job that losing traders think it would be if only they could work out how to stop losing.
And because it is bloody hard work, an extra source of income from offering a service should be seen as totally reasonable. Not as proof that a trader can't trade!

Thanks for reading

Smart idea posting on a thread about a scam run by a trading mentor and trainer.
Feel free to check out my link. It's getting tiring listening to such cynics. I came on here to invite people to learn something for nothing because I detest how the more unscrupulous on these forums take people for a ride.please just check out my site yourself and then you can apologise for ever doubting me and we can move on.
When i did people thought it was because I was trying to sell something! I can't win!

I think the contents of the website should make it plain enough if someones trying to sell a product or service. If there's nothing to buy, or no advertising banners, or any form of revenue generation then I can't see why anyone would form that conclusion

Alternatively, its extremely common for vendors to request contact by PM

As a number of people pointed out on this forum and on others, Baghdady will be back. Despite everything he has been responsible for he is trying to operate online, with no transparency of where he is and no physical location.
Just think about that for a moment! He has lied, cheated and conned many over the years whilst being based somewhere - mainly London. Now he is making outrageous and unproven statements of success once again in order to lure in the unsuspecting only this time he is online. He cannot be traced or found!!!!!!!
Given the number of people who are after him for unpaid bills this makes a lot of sense for Baghdady but it also creates a massive risk for those who may be tempted by this con-artist.

It all started a few weeks ago when he made an offer to those he had previously taken thousands of £££££ or $$$$$$ from - his previous clients. The condition was that they had to open an account with a specific broker so that Baghdady got paid every time they traded, win or lose.We all new that this would be the forerunner to an unmissable offer to the great unwashed masses out there and now here it is below. Shame on the broker who got into bed with this guy.

Now for a massive discount you too can become part of the Baghdady family of success but only until the 17th August mind you.

The full and original item is on the Training Traders website under blog

Mike Baghdady's Mentoring Programme – Learn how to Trade Forex, Blog


9 August 2012. | By Mike Baghdady. | Categories: Other.

Go for the Gold…

Dear All ,

I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the summer as well as the London Olympics. It is truly inspiring to see those athletes push themselves beyond their comfort zones to achieve greatness. I guess we should all endeavor to apply that attitude to all out personal undertakings too!

Well, I write you today mainly because of the unbelievable results and achievements being made by my current students trading with our long-term strategy and software. I would like such outcomes to be experienced by ALL of my clients, even the day traders.

Where is the evidence of such a claim? He has made such claims in the past with no verifiable evidence ever presented.

I believe this Olympic Games period is as good as any, to offer all of my day-trading clients the opportunity to go for gold in their trading by adding long term trading to their arsenal too.

No you don't. Its just time to try and fleece the next lot after getting up and running in the last few weeks.

As you already know, long term trading allows you the opportunity to make significant profits by taking advantage of sweeping trends in the market. My unique trading Software, which is the culmination of 35 years of trading experience, makes the job of identifying the beginning of these trends a breeze.

This means you are able to get in on the game before the rest of the trading crowd and ride the wave all the way to the top. My software also tells you what to buy? When to exit? How much to buy? When the trend may be losing steam thereby signaling you to get out of the trade with your profits.

Because of my broad and overwhelmingly successful implementations of my trading methodology in over a 100 banks and financial institutions all over the globe and training over a 1,000 institutional traders, I know empirically and intimately that my Trading Methodology and Software Works and I need no further validation for it.

Does anyone actually believe this??? What claims! No evidence, no results, no names, no references, no independent verification. What worthless words.
He needs no "further validation for it" but what about the rest of us?????

However, that being said, it doesn’t mean that it worked 100% for everybody who attended my seminars or bought the software. I could only conclude that some of the people who attended my seminars did not have access to proper on going coaching and guidance.

The "morons" chose not to pay me even more so they deserved what they got. Its their own fault and nothing to do with the method.
Funny how the turtles were receiving input from the great man every day and it did not work for them either.

Today, I know better. Today, I know that for new traders, mastering the markets is similar to mastering Karate. The difference between a green belt and a 27degree grand master black belt is not how much you know. It is how much you systematically implement and practice the 20 or so fundamental different moves,blocks, punches and kicks every day. It takes time, effort and repetition/practice. And that is what I am adding to the Mix

So after 35 years in the markets he has just realised that it takes mentoring from someone like himself to make you successful and he will now do it at a discount. How fortuitous.

After the last few months of very successful mentoring room experience, I have seen the results, I see their progress every day and I am more convinced than ever that it is not what you know about trading,its how you apply it. You can become a successful trader and make money from trading the markets

You might claim to see the results every day but what about us mere "morons" ? Can we find out how many are in your room? What the trading results are? What your own performance is? It seems that you left a few bad debts elsewhere in your trading career like $5,5m which led to bankruptcy (which you lied about) and some smaller but significant sums at Robins Futures.

Mike I can honestly say… the course taught me how to trade but it is your mentorship that is making me a trader and I really do appreciate… no matter how many times you repeat anything rest assured I will be listening every time you say it. Thank you very, very, very much for your time you spend with us.
K. A. London

Who is K.A. ????? Why not B.O. or L.L.or O.C. or K.S. ?

Further, trading long term also makes profiting from the market easy for those of you who have jobs or other daytime commitments that makes you unable to sit by your computer all day waiting to take trades. This especially works very well for the ladies since you only have to check your trades once a day max! It’s very convenient.

How very patronising for all you ladies out there. This must be one of the worst examples of sales script ever written. Wonder who Baghdady paid to write this crap?

Hi Mike , My friends do not understand how I am making so much money from the market even though I am at the golf course all day long…long Term Position Trading means I am not chained to my computer , and I just love it. Thanks Mike for showing me this option… I am really enjoying my retirement.
S.D. London

What about O.H. or N.O. ?

The general misconception is that you need a very large amount to be a long-term trader. This is certainly not true at all. With a meager £1000 trading account, you can profit significantly as a long-term trader and with the current volatility in the market, these sweeping market trends are occurring more often and producing very huge opportunities as a result. In fact, here is the reaction of just one of my long-term clients who have benefitted so greatly from this style of trading…

My Goodness! I was very skeptical to trade long-term, but I just could not manage day trading since I already had serious work commitments. I decided to try it out and boy, am I glad. I have netted 1,200 pips from just two trades. This is just incredible and so easy with your price behavior technique and the long term trading software! Thanks, Mike

Give us the evidence please!!!!! Sounds better than the 300% usually claimed!

As you may be aware, I have strategically reorganized my business recently, by moving most of my business online and taking advantage of technological tools available today. I have cut a lot of operational costs in the process. I’ve always thought of ways to pass some of those savings on to my existing clients only.

No you have not. You were exposed and ran out of town leaving a lot of people owed significant amounts of money. You own money in the UK, Australia and the Far East. Maybe elsewhere but this is enough for now. You conned the turtles and did not have the money to back them as you very publicly claimed. You lied about your background. You were bankrupt and you denied this. You lost court cases in the USA and were found to be far from a reliable person. You ran and hid. Now this but the difference is everyone who is interested has to TRUST you. God help them.

So, for the remainder of the Olympics, I am giving you a one time special opportunity to get my highly profitable Position Trader Package at a price I have never offered before and do not intend to offer gain.

Oh yes you will.

The Position Trader Package initially cost a total of £15,000 (£4,500 for the course, £7000 for the Long term software and £4,500 for 6months of follow up Mentoring Sessions).

However, if you register before the 17th of August 2012(the end of the Olympic Games), you will get our entire Position Trading Package for a massively discounted price of £3,995 only.

Yes! You get to save over 70% of the original package price.

Bloody hell. I am phoning around friends and family right now just to get the last couple of grand together. I am contacting my friends that I know have the $$$$ to take a look at this and just think - we could all save a massive 70% for just giving Baghdady £3995 before the 17th August!!!!

And you will receive
Full Access Pass to attend the Live Position Trader Training Course, Online on Saturday the 18th of August 2012 until August 22nd 2012
Lifetime License to my Proprietary Long Term Trader Software, yours to keep and use Forever!
PLUS 6 Months of Free Mentoring from Me, personally.

Why The Low Fees? Here’s why in a nutshell:
1.As you know I have strategically reorganized my business recently, by moving most of my business online and taking advantage of technological tools available today. I have cut a lot of operational costs in the process. I’ve always thought of ways to pass some of those savings on to my existing clients only

You were found out!!!!!!

2.Coaching is the KEY to anyone success … every Olympian or champion Athlete has a great coach and that is why I have included that most valuable item in the package which is the 6 month daily mentoring . So for just about £20 a day, you will get? The most comprehensive long Term Trading Course? The Best Rule Based Long Term Trading Software? Be mentored by me for 6 months
3.Now more than ever I can do what I have always wanted to do which is, training traders.

So for about £20 a day I can be mentored by a lier, cheat, fraud and conman. Sounds ok to me.

I know I am offering you unprecedented value here, but like I mentioned earlier, I have cut a lot of costs from restructuring my business operations and this is my way of passing most of those savings over to my existing clients only… those who have been with me from the beginning. Also, offering you this deep discount, means I can bring in a lot more serious traders like you to make it economically feasible for me. It’ the best possible win-win deal.

You certainly win. Give us a verifiable address where you can be contacted along with a phone number. Proof that you should be able to provide without hesitation.

To make this even easier for you, I have set up a very reasonable payment financing option for you. Now you don’t have any excuses whatsoever!

In other words I am happy to take your money and enjoy the pleasure at my leisure.

You simply cannot afford o miss this incredible One –Time Existing Client Only Offer. However, you have to hurry as this offer only lasts until the 17th of August.

After the 17th of August, Standard prices will revert to a much higher level.

I will be holding the Long Term Trading Live Seminar completely Online on Saturday the 18th of August 2012. All the Follow up Mentoring Sessions will be held online as well. I believe this new arrangement is also beneficial to you as it cuts out travel costs on your end. It no longer matters where you live …you can still participates fully!

Yes but, where do you live???

Taking advantage of this opportunity will ensure you are diversified as a trader …even though you are a day trader at the moment, you will benefit greatly from trading long term as well – since you can continue to generate income and grow your account even faster, using both trading styles.

I Love day trading and I trade the market everyday, but I am mostly scalping the market for few pips at a time. I find that my long-term trades provide even more pips and profit for me. You are correct Mike; it is very advantageous to diversify my trading style and my risk to make more money.
L.A. Bournemouth, UK

B.U. or L.L or S.H. or I.T.

Go for Gold in your trading! Take advantage of this one time Olympic offer now.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER, and see you on the Live Online Training on the 18th of August.

Sincerely, you sincere - pull the other one!!!
Mike Baghdady
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classic lulz !

Classic lulz, but I'm worried.

The guy is regressing - he used to have a lot more finesse than this. Has he had a nervous breakdown or some kind of mental disturbance? Just look at that crap:

You simply cannot afford o miss this incredible One –Time Existing Client Only Offer. However, you have to hurry as this offer only lasts until the 17th of August.

After the 17th of August, Standard prices will revert to a much higher level.

Back in the day, Mike used to give the operation some style, you know? You think most of the other scammers like Davey-boy Robertson could slap poopies like Mike? The f uck they could. The F UCK they could even come close.

But now listen to him. That screed of bullsh1t could have come from any third-rate conman. That could come from a guy working his very first get-rich-quick scam.

Mike's not one of those guys. Mike's got class. Mike's got 35 years working this thing - he's the the real deal. This isn't some amateur here. We're talking about a former World Champion Bullsh1tter.

Are you not as saddened as I am to see him reduced to this?
Just for the sake of it, let's assume I think you're entirely genuine. You really don't do yourself any favours with posts like the one you've just made.

You saw this post:

I never understood why people pay thousands for someone to teach them a system to trade lol. Simple fact of the matter is if they are charging you thousands then that's probably their source of income, and not trading.... and that leads onto why learn something that they can't get to work for themselves.

In my opinion if you're gonna pay for a bit of knowledge, yeah give someone a couple hundred quid to spend a few days watching them trade and explain a couple of real concepts about the markets in general to get you going, but don't go paying thousands for a system... that's just stupid, and will probably be the worse trade you make.

I don't know about any other full time traders, but I really couldn't be bothered to do webinars and manage a class of people who are green as grass. To me it's a case of why would I want to take on the extra work load and hassle? In my eyes you should question a trader that does lol.

Your response is below, with some thoughts.

I've gotta reply to this post because I totally disagree. I have been a professional prop trader and now trade my own account. I've got over 8 years trading experience but absolutely love to teach new traders how to trade. I produce daily videos that I share for free on my blog with trade ideas and little educational bits and bobs and I also encourage anyone who watches my videos to get in touch and ask any questions they want. It is all totally free but I love doing it for a couple of reasons;

Like I say, assume you are genuine. The main suspicion is not about people that do things for free, but about apparently (always in their own words) incredibly profitable people that nonetheless feel the need to charge.

The "love to teach" thing is pretty much number 1 in the scammer's list of excuses, and is always a huge red flag. The transformation from noob to professional is so vast it is difficult to imagine many people wanting to have anything to do with new traders, who are invariably clueless.

Firstly, there is nothing better than seeing people make money from your advice.

This is such obvious nonsense that I suspect (but do not say for sure) that it is a lie. Everyone can immediately think of seeing something better than other people making money from one's advice, and that is making money for oneself.

Have you ever told a friend or family to buy a stock and seen it shoot to the moon making them a ton of money? It a great feeling and I get that feeling on a daily basis.

Have you ever had then a terrible feeling when you tell them to buy a stock and they lose? How do you ensure they manage their positions correctly? Do you really want to give tips to non-professionals (with all that entails) who are among those closest to you in the world?

Secondly, you'd be amazed at the improvement in your own p&l when you are helping new traders out. The reason that good trading firms include mentorship roles as part of their career progression is because by teaching others how to trade you are forever stretching the boundaries of your own ability to successfully trade, and it also cements your existing experience and knowledge.

There is something in this, although unless one is extraordinarily dim there must be a limit. One that should I imagine be reached quite quickly. If teaching doesn't interfere with one's day, then possibly it could have some beneficial effects on one's P&L. But most teachers are not doing this - they spend their days teaching. Is it really possible to do both simultaneously with it having a negative impact? And if one is spending the time trading and not teaching, one is hardly a teacher. So where then is the fulfillment of this love to come from?

Thirdly, although I agree that black box systems etc are a waste of money, it seems totally reasonable that mentors do charge a fee. It always makes me laugh on these forums when you see people say "if so and so can make money trading why do a trading service?". That is such a silly argument..Richard Branson, Duncan Banantyne, Jack Welsh, Donald trump etc. Are you saying that because these guys have all written and sold books about business they must actually be **** at business or why would they bother? Of course not!

This again is utter nonsense. The comparison is so poor that again I struggle to believe it is made honestly. There is no proof that any of these mentors or teachers have made money as they claim. Whereas with the examples you give such as Trump there is. Why do they do it? For the most part vanity, and because everybody wants to tell their story.

My guess is that only people who don't actually make money trading would ever say something so absurd. This is because real traders get that it is bloody hard work..not some dream job that losing traders think it would be if only they could work out how to stop losing.
And because it is bloody hard work, an extra source of income from offering a service should be seen as totally reasonable. Not as proof that a trader can't trade!

Most educators are not providing a service of any kind. They are peddling crap and preying upon people's dreams.

Of course trading is hard work. That is why most successful people concentrate upon doing it, rather than taking money from complete strangers to teach them to do it.

If they were as successful as they claim, they wouldn't need to sell training. They don't (they claim), they do it because they love teaching. So why charge?

Some will say that it is not as easy as all that, and a second source of income is desirable. So what are they saying to their students? That with hard work they might one day manage to become training vendors (because even the master who is teaching them cannot rely on trading for his income)?

Thanks for reading

The reasons given never stack up when examined logically. Someone does it for free because they love teaching. I can imagine this where someone is teaching something worthwhile. But trading? And they love teaching? More than pursuing their interests and hobbies? More than doing good works for charitable causes? More than spending time with friends and family?

And if a person was to use their knowledge to help people become traders for free, why do it for any old stranger that happens by? Why give this wonderful gift to people that might be awful?

The more one looks at it, the more absurd the very concept appears.
When i did people thought it was because I was trying to sell something! I can't win!

What do you say we all join up for your webinar and ask the awkward questions then?


"Space at our seminars is very limited and fills up very quickly"

Only 89 seats left I heard.
O.k. There is no ads, no revenue generating anything whatsoever.


"SmartOptions are so easy to use that it only takes 94 seconds for us to show you how to trade. And don’t worry - if you need a bit more help before you start trading, we’re here for you, ready to answer any questions you have and waiting to help you make profits of over 70% in as little as 60 seconds"

Really? Classic scammer nonsense, 70% in 60 seconds.
