MA martingale ea


What indicators does your Expert Advisor use?
Moving average 200 days (Custome moving average)

When should you enter the market with a buy and sell trade?
when the entire candle closes above the moving average. - buy
when the entire candly closes below the moving average - sell
When should you exit?
stop and reverse
What forex money management options do you want to use?
set 1 1) 0.1 buy = +67
refresh order set 2 2) 0.1 sell = -4
3) 0.2 buy = -16.20
4) 0.3 sell = -15.80
5) 0.4 buy = -22.5
6) 0.5 sell = -30.60
7) 0.6 buy = 101.53
refresh order set 1) 0.1 buy = -13.5
2) 0.2 sell = -10
3) 0.3 buy = 4
calculate the profit (-13.5-10 = -23.5 > 4)
it is still in loss so increase the volume.
4) 0.4 sell = -12.20
5) 0.5 buy = -19.80
6) 0.6 sell = 146.49
Calculate profit (-13.5-10-12.20-19.80 = -55.5 < (4+146.49= 150.50))
refresh the volume set 3

After1st trade in profit it should refresh list.
from trade 2 it starts counting total loss and increases the volume according multiplying factors.
once you get profit like in trade 7 total loss Minus total that profit . (in this example -4-16.20-15.70-22.5-30.6=-85.1 profit = 101.53 ) net is profit.
so come to original volume.
Advice to everyone - if you see "Martingale" in the title of any trading system. Run a mile. They are a quick route to margin calls and account blowups.
Advice to everyone - if you see "Martingale" in the title of any trading system. Run a mile. They are a quick route to margin calls and account blowups.

we should use safe martingale and according to risk management then you can never ever blow off the account
we should use safe martingale and according to risk management then you can never ever blow off the account

There's no such thing. Increasing your trade size when the market is behaving in a way your system/strategy can't/won't make money is foolish at best.
if the market behaviour changes such that youre experiencing more losses, increasing the trade-size isnt a fix.

Its like driving along normally, then experiencing fog.
You dont drive faster in fog, hoping you come out of it faster, without knowing how long that would be.
You slow down, (lower risk) until the optimum conditions return and you return to normal risks.

You adapt to the condition, not try to gamble your way through it.

If you're increasing risk because of a loss, strictly speaking thats fine, as long you believe its a blip, and a return to normal is imminent.
But even then, you have to have in the back of your mind that it isnt a blip, and its changed conditions, in which case, your risk profile must change to adapt to the market, not to blindly double up (or variations of it).