Looking for unpaid work experience at a macro-focused prop fund in London



I'm a student who has been extremely passionate about the financial markets from a young age. By passionate, I don't mean 99.9% of young people who want to go into "investment banking" or be a "hedge fund manager" because of the money and not actually fascinated by how money works and how it links with the world around them. Unlike them, I get extremely excited whenever I hear about the basis on the cross-currency dollar swaps getting deeper and deeper because of its proven ability to act as an indicator for short stress in the financial markets.

I've spent 2 years of my life reading EXTENSIVELY on the financial markets and macroeconomics and recently started investing real money. I know how to read financial statements, I know the principles of macroeconomics and I also know how to disseminate important information from 10-Ks (not the mainstream Apple, Microsoft etc). Most of my knowledge is centred around the US markets, with a small bit of knowledge around the UK markets. I also possess very good critical thinking skills, hence my selection to be on the UK national debating team at the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships 2019.

I know I am very young, but I've always preferred to hang out with adults because I can actually understand their conversations and find the conversations with kids about video games etc very unstimulating. I would really appreciate it if any of you could refer me/arrange a call so you can talk to me and see what I'm like, and if you like me then offer me an unpaid gig at your firm. A phone call is all I ask for, and once again I would really appreciate any of your help. I am only doing this now because I believe I can take the next step in learning more about a world which I am consumed by every day.

I'm a student who has been extremely passionate about the financial markets from a young age. By passionate, I don't mean 99.9% of young people who want to go into "investment banking" or be a "hedge fund manager" because of the money and not actually fascinated by how money works and how it links with the world around them. Unlike them, I get extremely excited whenever I hear about the basis on the cross-currency dollar swaps getting deeper and deeper because of its proven ability to act as an indicator for short stress in the financial markets.

I've spent 2 years of my life reading EXTENSIVELY on the financial markets and macroeconomics and recently started investing real money. I know how to read financial statements, I know the principles of macroeconomics and I also know how to disseminate important information from 10-Ks (not the mainstream Apple, Microsoft etc). Most of my knowledge is centred around the US markets, with a small bit of knowledge around the UK markets. I also possess very good critical thinking skills, hence my selection to be on the UK national debating team at the World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships 2019.

I know I am very young, but I've always preferred to hang out with adults because I can actually understand their conversations and find the conversations with kids about video games etc very unstimulating. I would really appreciate it if any of you could refer me/arrange a call so you can talk to me and see what I'm like, and if you like me then offer me an unpaid gig at your firm. A phone call is all I ask for, and once again I would really appreciate any of your help. I am only doing this now because I believe I can take the next step in learning more about a world which I am consumed by every day.

Female, right? :)
No sorry I'm a male. Do you know anyone who would be interested in a phone call? Thanks.

Best person to contact for your situation is GGU (Golden Gate University) located in San Francisco. He is the author of the book TA of stock trends and teaches the graduate course in TA and exactly up your alley of interests in finance. He is also well connected and very helpful and might be able to set you up

World accepted formal TA texbook for college and beyond written by him (Charles Basseti)

You're in if you open the conversation up with, "Big Joe sent me"

Get him to crack up again and again with this one, ............. girl who spoke terrible English but liked to show off her limited vocabulary whispered in big Joe's ear the following morning, "I love your clock"

on your way to San Francisco stop in London and shove this booklet up the cop's ass. If he likes it, shove it twice.
