Looking after your eyes.


Active member
Is there any truth to it being harmful looking at a monitor for a few hours a day?

I use dull green and brown on the candles so it is not so bright.

I don't get sore eyes or headaches but wonder if I am damaging my eyes in any way.
i think it will damage your eyes more or less especially you look at soemthing for a long time in a very dim environment ,your eyes would be tired and get hurted so you'd better quit doing that
Is there any truth to it being harmful looking at a monitor for a few hours a day?

I use dull green and brown on the candles so it is not so bright.

I don't get sore eyes or headaches but wonder if I am damaging my eyes in any way.

A few losses, a decent cry and you're sorted...:D
wow, ultra-lame thread. but now I'm wondering if i'm repeatedly bruising my delicate finger tips when i type.
Yeah ,I wouldn't want my eyes to get hurted 5hnd. BTW I am in a bright not dim environment.

Ultra lame reply meanpeversion
Is there any truth to it being harmful looking at a monitor for a few hours a day?

I use dull green and brown on the candles so it is not so bright.

I don't get sore eyes or headaches but wonder if I am damaging my eyes in any way.

take the 20-20-20 rule : every 20 minutes look 20 feet away for 20 seconds :D
I think the real problem is staring at a screen all day. Definitely not good for the eyes and even worse for your trading. I have always said people are much better traders if they are not behind their system. Just set it up with automatic triggers and stops/limits
I was talking to John Carter the other day, he was telling me about his glasses. They are not for magnifying, but they are purely for the screen glare.

He told me he is much more relaxed while trading now. The screen glare was making him tense without realising it. There is a company that sells them on line.

What I worry about is testicular cancer from the wifi laptop on the lap. I think this is the sort of thing that we will only find out about in years to come.
I take a break for 10 minutes at every hour on the half hour. It seems to help. However, the glasses sound like a great idea. I am going to look online for something that reduces glare and reduces the stress on the eyes. Thanks
I take a break for 10 minutes at every hour on the half hour. It seems to help. However, the glasses sound like a great idea. I am going to look online for something that reduces glare and reduces the stress on the eyes. Thanks

I think he said he got them from a company called debspecs or the glasses were called debspecs or something like that.
It's not the crying that hurts the eyes but what goes with it. Makes you blind you know!
you mixed everything up! it is wanking what makes you blind! also it makes your palm to grow fur!

starring at trading monitors makes you poor not blind
I've been staring at a computer screen of some sort for about 15 hours a day since 1990. I still do not need glasses. Anyway, enough of this wussy talk about monitors ruining eyesight and back to what this site is all about. So Shimano brakes, yes or no?


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