Lloyds Banking Group...Good buy?!


Hi Guys

Just gaining peoples views! I have bought Lloyds at 63p, i believe they will keep rising with news about preference shares and paying government back. What you guys think?? Deutche Bank have a target price of a pound. Good buy? Bad Buy?
should be ok now i'd guess as have done capitla raising etc.

Ignore the analyst though, most of them are wrong. Db probably did the rights issue for lloyds so have to be seen as positive on the co.
Hi Guys

Just gaining peoples views! I have bought Lloyds at 63p, i believe they will keep rising with news about preference shares and paying government back. What you guys think?? Deutche Bank have a target price of a pound. Good buy? Bad Buy?

Probably a good buy, can't see them going much lower, as above poster says....can't see them reaching the £11 pre credit crisis/merger previous HBOS price anytime soon, but banks at current levels are probably a good medium term play certainly in respect of the probabilities.


(PS: I am a forex trader and speak from a fundamental analysis not from any tech reading, so feel free to ignore this observation.)
All such questions depend on more than entry price - for example time horizon?
* over 3 years, could be an excellent buy
* over 3 months, who knows?
* over 3 days, probably crap

Playing the game by anticipated newsflow is hazardous: this is an industry in a place it has never been before. Entering against the prevailing trend is hazardous. Always good to have an exit strategy if things don't go your way.
yeah i agree 'thesheik'....i view it as a medium term buy. I believe that over next 3 months we could be looking at £1. Over the next few years...who knows but i expect a lot of up turn. I bought at 63p on a mid-long term view. I got Barclays at 92p with the same view, so im hoping this will move in the same direction.