Stock and other asset class picks

very nice couple points there DT. I envisage this thread becoming a nursery of longer term ideas - prudence, creativity and hard work.

anyone with thoughts on CEDC? we're nearing dday (10th May)
I should add that I am and will be hedged against macro. Probably the Dax on the equity trade.

It's difficult to profitably call relative value, don't make it harder by throwing in 1mm+ more variables

How are you hedging?
on the equity i'm stilll working on a hedge, as i said in the post when i indicated i might use the dax

on the bonds i bought XOver
Yes, I calculate my betas using a propriety method (have a stats background) so I like I think of it as more complex than that! I guess you meant will I be using options..

Just assessing comps right now, might trade versus one of those or a basket or a combination of all three. That's the great thing about equities- bid offer is so small you can be very creative!
In trade and business every thing can be happen the prices can drop and also can increase further increase it is all depend on the time and the the ration between supply and demand.
Nice thread, although a rookie I also like to look at stocks as I like the fundamentals involved rather than the more technical stuff in commodities and currencies.

I keep track of a few companies that I would have invested in ( i cant actually invest as Im tight on capital being fresh outta uni ) but I enjoy making notes and keeping track of some companies:

HGSI - Human Genome Sciences

bought @ $7.96
current worth $13.21

reasons for buying:

1) The stock had taken a battering after news that HGSI had mislead shareholders after hiding the fact that one of their drugs they were developing had been linked with suicide in the trials.
2) Linked with GSK, who had a partnership agreement with them.
3) Rise in child birth liekly to boost healthcare sector, in particular in areas were HGSI are involved

Reached a high of $14 since but news that GSK offered $13 per share to buy out the company saw it drop slightly.

Another that I would consider perhaps buying into soon is NVIDIA. Posted good profits this year and are linked with Apple, possibly supplying inbuilt GPUs for the new Mac Books, something NVIDIA already do with Intel.

Anyways I know i dont currently have any capital in them but If i had the capital i would and id probably sell of my HGSI shares and re invest into NVIDIA at this point @ 12.14
Been watching VOCS whilst on vacation & decided to put in a few exit orders as it's been taking off & we are now hovering around $18.00


One @ $22.00 and the other @ $25. I don't expect these to get hit in the next few days but the potential for a serious squeeze is there and I do not want to end up kicking myself for missing out if it spikes up.

I'd rather take the windfall if it is offered than hold it for another 6 months...
This is somewhat like pulling teeth... market's moving down, VOCs profits are on the up - but it's struggling...

It's seen 19's but been back to 16's & after the earnings it is at 18's...

Vocus (VOCS) released its earnings data on Tuesday. The company reported $0.11 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts` consensus estimate of $0.09 by $0.02. Vocus`s revenue was up 55.5% compared to the same quarter last year.

Well - how about that 55.5% increase being due to buying iContact that the idiots thought was a bad idea?

What does VOCS have to do to get back to the 52 week high? Or perhaps it's the market that has to keep from holding it back...

Damn irrational if you ask me...
VOCS has now broken $20 (entry price $12.68)


Now just about 6% short (1,115,500 shares) which is a little under 6 days worth of volume. Shorts are not out of the woods yet.

Now back to sleep....
Re my posts in this thread #1, #27, and #47 which outlined 3 purchases of Lloy shares @ 1stly 47p, 2ndly 32.2p and 3rdly 23p with a 3-5 year time horizon from the original purchase in June 2011. I have today sold the shares and have broken even on the 1st purchase, made a profit of 45.9% on the 2nd purchase and 108% on the 3rd purchase. I have sold out after just 18mths of the 3-5 year holding target because the economic outllook has changed - particularly given the downgrading of gdp growth targets in the british and european economies and the still uncertain european outlook. I also didn't want to suffer a possible set back from the current price if the U.s fiscal cliff is reached at end of the year - so it seemd a good time to sell.

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Well Done !

Its quite a change in style form your usual trading style bbmac, are you thinking of incorporating longer term elements into your method?
Thanks, Buy and Hold certainly was me going off at a tangent..and No is the answer to that question - at the moment anyway.


Well Done !

Its quite a change in style form your usual trading style bbmac, are you thinking of incorporating longer term elements into your method?
Re my posts in this thread #1, #27, and #47 which outlined 3 purchases of Lloy shares @ 1stly 47p, 2ndly 32.2p and 3rdly 23p with a 3-5 year time horizon from the original purchase in June 2011. I have today sold the shares and have broken even on the 1st purchase, made a profit of 45.9% on the 2nd purchase and 108% on the 3rd purchase. I have sold out after just 18mths of the 3-5 year holding target because the economic outllook has changed - particularly given the downgrading of gdp growth targets in the british and european economies and the still uncertain european outlook. I also didn't want to suffer a possible set back from the current price if the U.s fiscal cliff is reached at end of the year - so it seemd a good time to sell.

Well done on the investements.