LIVE FOREX TRADES - Marwans Trading Journal

have offloaded the positions, though i am convinced that the currecies will collapse, but have to go out.

GU carry on with the short
Yesterdays result - 49 pips loss
Bad day. The winning days have come to an end
Guess I focussed too much on the bearish divergences, picked up goo dlong trade on gy but came out early!

you never stop learning in this business!
late start today so no trades yet. Missed the long trades the long trades. GU GY and EY are looking very bullish, it is now a case of buying the dips
Seems a funny time to play the market and create opposing positions and then duck out anyway.

Although I have not looked at the market I would be surprised if there is enough volatility to make it worth trading.

What was your rational for entering anyway?

I would have thought standing on the sidelines and seeing what happens after the recent rises would be more appropriate???

Don't worry about answering this if you don't have an answer by the way. Its just my late night chewing the cud sort of thing.

See things have moved on since then....well done:)
I hope yesterdays hiccup in your trading hasn't knocked you too much marwan.

you may not get your 1,000 in one week, but even half that would be an excellent return.

concentrate less on your self-imposed high targets, and more on what the market is offering to you.