

Well-known member
I think there are so many valuable links mentioned in various posts and scattered all around. Is there any way one can see only those posts which has a link mentioned.

I was thinking of collecting all the links and put into a post which can be updated all the time but this looks like a very big job and if there is an easier way to do this , I would welcome suggestions.Thanks
Basically what you are saying is that there is a lot of valuable stuff here and that it is sometimes very difficult to find. I agree.

There are attempts to collate valuable material and make it more easily obtainable - eg DOW/chartman

I think one way of approaching this would be to have a few knowledgeable users prepared to give up some time to it to design a topic based Archive. Some issues keeps on cropping up time and time again and have been well aired. New aspects arise and with the present system are dealt with on an ad hoc basis.

This site is successful as it has an edge on others - a further iomprovement would be the acquisition and cataloguing of members distilled knowledge on a more systematic basis.

It would probably need the participation of people prepared to be "archivisits" and would need a recognition of the need for this by Sharky.
Hi Osho

That sounds like a job and a half :eek:
Here's a search I did which includes all posts with web site links in them Click Here
I warn you now there is 2922 of them. Alternatively I would use this search which pulls up the same information, but only the ones posted by neil (who has posted some superb links :cool:)
Click Here

Hi Rognvald

That is a very large task to colate them all. Hopefully Sharky will find an easy way of doing them :cheesy:
Perhaps we need a T2WGuide2TradingGalactically :cheesy:
We could have (credit to website freely acknowledged) some of these appointed


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Dear FTSEbeater

The link you kindly gave in your post above is for some reason not working. I thought I will go through some of them during xmas. I tried to do asearch myself using word url but it only gave about 65 results. Please help Thanks so much
Hi osho67,

That link that FTSE posted won't work anymore because it's based on a searchid - which is no longer valid. But essentailly I think Mark is suggesting searching for "click here" on the search page:

Rognvald is right, "further improvement <to the site> would be the acquisition and cataloguing of members distilled knowledge on a more systematic basis."

This is a topic that has cropped up now and again, and we did open up the FAQ forum with the intention to allow members to draw together all the posts on a subject into a new thread, that could be added to and then the original post revised every month or so. Unfortunately it didn't take off, and the forum is languishing at the bottom of the pile of active forums.

I certainly agree that drawing out from the forums this body of knowledge that is readily available if only you can find it, would be a great improvement to the site. How we go about it is the difficult part - it would certianly require a fair amount of effort.

Realistically, the correct way to go about it would be for me to create a new knowledge section of the site which would be a framework which would allow editors to maintain individual sections and regular members to contribute. This was tried some time ago, and never got off the ground - but it's an aim of mine in 2004 (along with the redesign/revamp of the site) to achieve this. It would mean breaking down the whole topic of trading into all component pieces, such as basic ta, charting methods, futures, psychology, money management etc - and encouraging to participate by managing one or more sections.

It's a giant task, but if we can attract enough volunteers, I see no reason why we can't do it.
osho67 said:
Dear FTSEbeater

The link you kindly gave in your post above is for some reason not working. I thought I will go through some of them during xmas. I tried to do asearch myself using word url but it only gave about 65 results. Please help Thanks so much
Hi Osho67

When I just searched for url I got 1590 results and 65 pages worth of results :confused:

Hi Sharky

Sorry for the confusion, I didn't realise the searchid url got changed :eek:
Thanks to Sharky and FTSEbeater

I will volunteer to do some part of the job. I donot have any knowledge of programming but if you give me some procedure step by step I can try!
FTSE, notice that when you search it creates a special id for that search - which you can see in the url (rather than store the words themselves). I think that these "search templates" aren't stored forever, but perhaps just the same day - though I'm not sure and I'd need to check.

Osho67, thanks for the offer! I'll post more details nearer the time. In the meantime we could try and breathe some new life into the FAQ forum, I just think if we had a couple of enthusiastic people taking the lead and monitoring a particular topic, it might encourage others to try their hand at it too. Perhaps I'll have a go myself - it's just finding the time to do it of course!