Lots of people imply there are only about 10% of traders making any profits at all, albeit the lucky few making substantial profits. On sites like these, however, where you would expect to find a different take, many people imply they are successful day traders. The first ever book I read on Stocks (Dr John White - Investing in stocks and shares) described 'day traders' as desperate Dan types who are nothing but deuded gamblers.
I suspect that some people will react most outraged to this description of their profession which would in some respect make me feel its pains them to be reminded of this. The implication being that they are gamblers.
When I used to run an IT business the overheads meant we needed to run at a margin of at least 40% to cover costs. Obviously shares are cheaper to trade but there would surely need to be a large swing to overcome the spread, CGT, commision and loses. Do people really acheive this over the course of a day?
I suspect that some people will react most outraged to this description of their profession which would in some respect make me feel its pains them to be reminded of this. The implication being that they are gamblers.
When I used to run an IT business the overheads meant we needed to run at a margin of at least 40% to cover costs. Obviously shares are cheaper to trade but there would surely need to be a large swing to overcome the spread, CGT, commision and loses. Do people really acheive this over the course of a day?