James Dicks/ Getting Started in Forex

Hello everyone,

I'm new to Forex and I'm currenty reading "Forex Made Easy" by James Dicks. Do any of you know if this is a useful resource? How does one usually get started in the Forex? I would like to learn and obviously start making profits as soon as possible and would like to know what route you people out there took before becoming who you are today.

I suspect people are less likely to reply if it apears you havent looked for your answers before asking your questions. This site has plenty to read, just look through the forex forum. Hope this doent sound like Im being rude.
Hi porto,
get reading, buy the ft everyday (dont skimp), buy some books, but talk to traders. good idea seeking friends here.
but try to get talking face to face with fx guys you know
good luck
Is this 4xmadeEasy ? I don't trust anyone who is selling a 'system'. If it worked effortlessly, then why not just trade it, and not bother with pesky clients/customers...
You can learn just as much spending the weekend reading through this website IMO
Demo Trade

1. Go to any Forex Broker that offers a free demo account and open a demo account. Demo trade, demo trade, and then demo trade some more until you are VERY comfortable trading and you can make consistent profits. Don't just take shots in the dark when trading. Learn how the market walks, talks, and breaths. You must understand the market before going live. You must figure out what kind of system you are comfortable with. The system has to fit you. You can learn and pay for hundreds of systems, but if it doesn't fit you, you may not be able to trade successfully. MUST GET EXPERIENCE ASAP.

2. Read, read, and then read some more. There is never enough education when you are trading. Start off with "Trading in the Zone" or "The Disciplined Trader" by Mark Douglas. You may not understand it at first, but once you start trading, all shall be clear. Psychology is very important if not the most important aspect when trading. DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE, and more DISCIPLINE. Remember the word DISCIPLINE, because it is important.
I have been following James Dicks since 2005. I love what he has created. I am an active user of his software and subscribe to his alerts. The alerts are pretty good. Yes there are some losers. I personally like using them to confirm and or look at trades that may be ready to enter. I don't follow al of the trades I get from them but It has certainly paid for itself. I travel a lot and when I saw James new book just out in a book store in London I was pretty surprised. Apparently he is followed all over the world. Lot sod options out their but I am pretty happy with what he has taught me so far. IMO