I think the original question is a good one, and some of the answers have been spot on. To try to clarify some of them, put them all into one point with some context:
you say that you want to 'compete' with the big boys. To me it sounds like you want to beat them. By beating them, that implies that you need to act differently from them.
I have learned one thing, and it is vital for you to know. Your job is not to 'compete against' or to 'win' against the big boys. Here's why.
What moves markets are inbalances of supply and demand. THE ONLY PEOPLE who have the financial firepower to change the supply/demand ratios due to their large volume trades are the big boys. You do not compete against them. Your job is to recognise their massive footprints (which they cover up quite well) in the market and to trade with them-to ride their coat-tails on the huge volume that only they can produce, and which ultimately drives the markets higher or lower. Anything else is bullsh*t.
Your opinion on the markets don't matter. Your opinion on whether you see signs that the big boys are buying/selling is what matters. No more, no less.