Irans capture of British troops

War games , Is it ?

  • The west have created this situation to further advance against Iran

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Iran are pushing , because Russia is turning westernese with nuclear non assistance

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • UN forces, will attack within 3-6 months

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • This will fissle out, but will show Iran has balls, Big Ones.

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
One international offence that the Iranians may have committed, is to dress the 15 UK troops in 1990-91 style shell-suits!!
JTrader said:
One international offence that the Iranians may have committed, is to dress the 15 UK troops in 1990-91 style shell-suits!!

You are right JTrader,

I think the Iranians are behind the times and missed a trick not showing the hostages with hooded gear. :LOL:

Obviously, they don't follow UK fashion too closely.
It looks at present like they're trying to find a diplomatic solution. Perhaps the UK/USA govt. has now realised that in this day & age they will not be able to use this incident to go to war......

5 or 50 years ago, this may have happened without question, but given the dispute over whos water etc. perhaps UK/USA govt. now think, if we use this as an excuse to invade, when so many think we are in the wrong, we will look VERY bad. The people won't buy it, as even some of the mainstream media have highlighted how it is more likely the UK was wrong rather than Iran.

Perhaps they'll have to go back to the drawing board & find a new, better, more believeable & less disputable excuse to invade Iran now....
I live in Snowdonia where they have a lot of low flying Excercises,usually its only the the Hawks that are flying around.
On certain occasions they have the big jets flying in for excercise.
This hapened a lot during and before the Iraq war.
What i noticed a few weeks ago some days before the news about the capture of the sailors was that the big Jets had arrived and where doing excercises at night.They were flying above my house around ten at night.
This happens very rarely as i said only before a conflict or during.
It frightens me to think that this capture of the sailors could have been staged to provoke the Iranians into to conflict.
I hope that this is just a coincidence and it doesn't end in conflict and hope for a peacfull solution very quickly and that the sailors get released soon.

...."There have been suggestions that the crew's case could be improved by the release of five Iranian officials held by the US since January. "....

How dare they treat our service personnel well, and feed them and look after them, and show them smiling.
The Iranians have a cunning plan to make us think they are humane, and this clearly makes it more difficult for Daily Mail readers to demand blowing those damned jonny-foreigners up.

Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.
It was just a tactical mistake by the Iranians from the start and they've rectified that has soon as they could without looking stupid....basically the UK will be gone soon enough so taking troops hostage is shooting yourself in the foot and they know that...meanwhile they've used the opportunity to soundbite effect trying to contrast themselves and their treatment of prisoners with that of the US...LOL I said a few traders made money I'm sure..the rest of it was just the usual 'crap'.
if tney had handled it well they would not have been silly enough to do it in the first place as they had more to lose than to gain from this nonsense...what they did well was to cut a poor trade short !
chump said:
if tney had handled it well they would not have been silly enough to do it in the first place as they had more to lose than to gain from this nonsense...what they did well was to cut a poor trade short !

Those Iranians are cunning and shrewd. They knew what they were doing. So did the international community.

1. Iranians diplomats taken hostage in Iraq
2. Iraninan top deputy defence minister dissappears in Istanbul
3. Other Iranian officials including Iraqi held crossing the border

How much pooh can anybody take. It shows the US hand for the dimwits they are. We are fed absolute rubbish in the news. The international press and TV discuss these matters in a more equal footing. The US and the UK lost the PR game. Talk to any Italian and most intelligent Brits and they ask questions which can not be answered. If the allies are having problems supporting this position what does the rest of the World think?

On the BBC we are bombarded with angry Iranians stoning the UK embassy or consulate. Did we get a mention on the BBC about UK troops sorrounding the Iranian consulate in Basra and firing into the air to the buildings. NO! Well Why Not? Damn important piece of news especially when the Iranians being damn nice showing our troops having a nice meal. Blah blah blah.

They won the PR war hands down. US UK lost imo otherwise they'd be in there kicking up a stink... The UN only said they were concerned about developments. BBC reported the UN backing UK position. What a load of Bull Sh1t reporting was that. BBC unbiased news yeah right. I think the Guardian and the Independent were the nearest discussing the issue with any reason and intelligence.

I'm angry and upset the treatment of this and how it was handled by Blair poodle with Bush dog displaying a little bark towards the end... :( What is the point of putting the whole globe on edge? Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Really about time they went their ways and let history and God judge them as they would like.
I think most people from the UK/US who only view mainstream press/news sources will probably think Iran was wrong & UK was not wrong.

The power of propaganda.......
the crew looked very chipper, dressed in smart suits.

wonder if Bliar would have kicked up a stink about their treatment if they were dressed in bright orange, and manacled.

the more I think about it, the more I think Blair is best pronounced when feigning throwing up, as in Bbbblaaaaaaaiiir.
yacarob1 said:
Big yawn, who the hell cares anyway ?

Yep perhaps you are right. Made 90 pips out of shorting oil and some more shorting the $ against one currency or another.

Am I being cynical or will those soldiers (ex hostages) be put down in the gutter press for saying how wonderful the Iranians were and thanking them for their hospitality? :rolleyes:

Just watched news night and the Iranian stage play and I was impressed my self. Could have been better though.

Did notice that the hostages were so much better dressed in suits than Ahmedanajaid though. He looked a little scruffy. Why don't the Iranians wear ties anyway? Anybody know? Could do with shaving that beard off too imo. I suppose I'm being too picky now. Perhaps I should become their PR advisor... Suits and ties for them and hoodie outfit for the hostages. Charge them couple of hundred Ks for the consultation. What do you guys think eh? :cheesy:

I am glad it's all over. :rolleyes:

The rise in gold price is making me worried though. Somebody knows something we don't. Either the $ is going down big time or clash of civilisations brewing and this was just a step down to get the hostages first before the bombing starts.

Rise in gold = uncertainty... Watch out, look out... :!:
JTrader said:
I think most people from the UK/US who only view mainstream press/news sources will probably think Iran was wrong & UK was not wrong.

The power of propaganda.......

I think it's important to read the alternative press on the internet to get a fuller picture.
Atilla said:
The rise in gold price is making me worried though. Somebody knows something we don't. Either the $ is going down big time or clash of civilisations brewing and this was just a step down to get the hostages first before the bombing starts.

Rise in gold = uncertainty... Watch out, look out... :!:

Atilla...Atilla.... my my my
Rising gold is an opportunity - no ?
We've wanted gold to rise again for ages ....... it's now happening lets rejoice. :cheesy:

Oil remains strong and Gold is coming along for the ride ......... Armageddon ? bring it on ... :devilish:
Hook Shot said:
Atilla...Atilla.... my my my
Rising gold is an opportunity - no ?
We've wanted gold to rise again for ages ....... it's now happening lets rejoice. :cheesy:

Oil remains strong and Gold is coming along for the ride ......... Armageddon ? bring it on ... :devilish:

Hook Shot dear fellow,

I have had my share of rejoicing in gold in February but since March feel I've missed the boat.
I was waiting for 655 having observed and watched the sideway pattern. The moves before turned my head into spaghetti and nerves into jelly. It's just that I like my food and sleep too much. TWI is the man with nerves of steel.

I'm a little indifferent to what happens to gold when I'm out of it. But I do watch oil and gold as indicators for the indeces and FX.

Still not sure why it's rising at the mo.

You do scare me with that Armageddon ? bring it on ... talk though. Threat of attack not quite over yet.

If US doesn't act now it can forget reshaping the ME. (That's an arrogant objective by them is it not. We are going to reshape and make the ME a better place. What a joke... :LOL: )...

If it does act it can forget reshaping the ME and kiss goodbye to the $... It will lose to the Russians and Chineese. Iran will survive and rebuild probably spuring it's economy and other countries around it. The war will merely speed up US loss of control and power.

I think I'm tired of all this war talk and threats and would like the US to p1ss off back home where they belong. Or better sort out Afghanistan first having screwed the Russians over it and given us the Taliban. Get that Osama bin ******** git in the process too.

When I see Bush and Blair on telly I'm really sickened by their bull sh1ts... I really am. :mad: As long they keep appearing on telly I think gold price will continue to rise.

I'm seriously looking for anothe rmelt down in the SPX and the $ soon. Might hop on oil and gold but I think they are likely to be quick scalps. Too speculative for my spaghetti appetite to handle. :)
I think I'm tired of all this war talk and threats and would like the US to p1ss off back home where they belong.

When I see Bush and Blair on telly I'm really sickened by their bull sh1ts... I really am.

I agree with these sentiments 100%.

These 2 crackpot warmongers should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, and America and Britain should get the hell out of places where they should never have been in the first place, and out of an illegal "war" situation.

God, the whole thing sucks big time.

Oh and yes, could someone please explain to me why they are attempting to impose democracy ( or their version of it, lol ) on the rest of the world.

Why on earth is democracy automatically assumed to be the best form of administering rule ?
yacarob1 said:
Oh and yes, could someone please explain to me why they are attempting to impose democracy ( or their version of it, lol ) on the rest of the world.

Why on earth is democracy automatically assumed to be the best form of administering rule ?

A lot of analysts would argue that this is just part of a process of Globalisation, moving towards a one world government, a New World Order, removing the regimes of non-western problem nations along the way in order to gain control of them & their resources, under the elusion of establising global democracy, in the form of an unelected global government.
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Well, problem resolved with the troops and chump came up trump's early on trading his outright position of, fissle out in a week, o.k. so it took an extension on 7 days, but his directional call was on the money and all the other big balls buyers, I think the Iranians manipulated and pulled in a couple of 3-6 moth war mongers buyers , and the west have created this situation buyers too, on a cunning mark down for a few days . Now the russia turning westernese buyers you get out for scratch for no apparent reason , I cant think of one but feel its a scratch trade?

I cant even remember what i Voted for, i think it was either 1, or the russia option, thinking iran were getting pissed off with russia making things difficult over Irans non payment of bills to russia for work on their nuclear power plant...... anyways i'll book a loss for not even knowing what my position was... :)