Irans capture of British troops

War games , Is it ?

  • The west have created this situation to further advance against Iran

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Iran are pushing , because Russia is turning westernese with nuclear non assistance

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • UN forces, will attack within 3-6 months

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • This will fissle out, but will show Iran has balls, Big Ones.

    Votes: 16 47.1%

  • Total voters
Question Time, reactive diplomacy... good grief.

I only saw one sane person on the panel . He thought like i did saying, "How come the Iranians came into Iraqi waters and took the British"

Now, most of them said we did the right thing to let the Iranian WARSHIPS enter Iraqi waters without firing any shots or the HMS CORNWALL defending their own British soldiers etc...

Er, o.k. peace, so we let them come into Iraqi waters and take them..... Fair enough. They then moaned about the disgusting actions of Iran using the Brits on telly, ohhh how outrageous etc. BUT.... :) we need to resolve this with diplomacy to get them back. yes, the same kind of thinking that enabled the Iranian WARSHIPS to enter Iraqi waters and take the British soldiers.... we will now use that to get them back. Great.

I say this, stop your moaning, you let them take the Brits, dont be surprised at how digusting the Iranians are in using the Brits, I'm pretty disgusted Britain let them go.

Apparently these Brit patrols have a helicopter gunship overhead with them, to be on the look out, so what the hells gone on?

UN. wow i'' be using them next time im stuck for a word when im playing a significant game of scrables.... They are good, all that meeting and its secured a statement from the UN. words , a press release...... "Grave Concern"

yes.. if ever im holding a dodgy 8 letters and in need of a tripple word score, i'll be giving them a call......

somethings very odd. HMS Cornwall, and Helicopter gunships, and they allow the brits to be taken. WHY ?
Appeal from Irans most famous Chef


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Question Time, reactive diplomacy... good grief.

Crap Buddist said:
I only saw one sane person on the panel . He thought like i did saying, "How come the Iranians came into Iraqi waters and took the British"

Now, most of them said we did the right thing to let the Iranian WARSHIPS enter Iraqi waters without firing any shots or the HMS CORNWALL defending their own British soldiers etc...

Er, o.k. peace, so we let them come into Iraqi waters and take them..... Fair enough. They then moaned about the disgusting actions of Iran using the Brits on telly, ohhh how outrageous etc. BUT.... :) we need to resolve this with diplomacy to get them back. yes, the same kind of thinking that enabled the Iranian WARSHIPS to enter Iraqi waters and take the British soldiers.... we will now use that to get them back. Great.

Since i started looking at non-mainstream media reporting, I find it difficult to watch the TV news, or Question Time, but find it very interesting to watch, as I'm now much more aware of just how far the propaganda extends & the impact this has.
The QT audience members questions are largely based on regurgitated info from the controlled mainstream media propaganda (mind control).

I looked at all the newspaper front-pages yesterday in the supermarket. Core blimey, talk about war mongers! The Sun was probably the worst....
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Is it not possible to say "oops sorry strayed into your territory by accident., sincere apologies and setting aside other differences we would like our sailors back" or is that asking a bit much.
AsifA said:
Is it not possible to say "oops sorry strayed into your territory by accident., sincere apologies and setting aside other differences we would like our sailors back" or is that asking a bit much.

They could say this, then get the soldiers back. Then say -
"Ner, ner, ner ner ner, we were only kidding, we only said that, to get our soldiers back!"
JTrader said:
They could say this, then get the soldiers back. Then say -
"Ner, ner, ner ner ner, we were only kidding, we only said that, to get our soldiers back!"
Well whats wrong with that ? British govt. would save face if thats what its about - but I suspect that mad Bush is pulling his poodles leash though.
AsifA said:
Well whats wrong with that ? British govt. would save face if thats what its about - but I suspect that mad Bush is pulling his poodles leash though.

The important question to ask is who/what is pulling the leash of Bush...
AsifA said:
Is it not possible to say "oops sorry strayed into your territory by accident., sincere apologies and setting aside other differences we would like our sailors back" or is that asking a bit much.

Two sides both feel injustice.

Should really take it to the UN to abitrate between them.

The feelings are less strong than between Unions and Managment.

Not sure what the problemo is.

Also I did say UK and US don't have support in the UN despite trumpeting it a lot.

UK 'fails' to win Iran row support at the UN

"Diplomats also reported that several Security Council members - including Russia, China, Indonesia and Qatar - said they had no way of independently ascertaining where the incident took place and were therefore wary of condemning it.

Britain says satellite data proves its 15 sailors and marines were seized last week in Iraqi waters.

Iran has shown video footage of the capture and charts it says make clear the capture took place in Iranian waters."

Either our boys are incompetent in showing the "undisputed" evidence or they have more trouble convincing the specialists. Forgive me for being cynical but I go with the question what were our ships and gun boats doing being negligent. You can see on radar for 100s of miles.

By the way what was the answer with Paxman to this question about radar and where our ships were and why they did not go to assist the 15 soldiers? Anybody know the reply?
Atilla said:
By the way what was the answer with Paxman to this question about radar and where our ships were and why they did not go to assist the 15 soldiers? Anybody know the reply?
Defence cuts, we replaced our radar with a couple of eagle-eyed chaps in a crows nest with a pair of binos.
Atilla said:
Two sides both feel injustice.

Should really take it to the UN to abitrate between them.

The feelings are less strong than between Unions and Managment.

Not sure what the problemo is.

Also I did say UK and US don't have support in the UN despite trumpeting it a lot.

UK 'fails' to win Iran row support at the UN

"Diplomats also reported that several Security Council members - including Russia, China, Indonesia and Qatar - said they had no way of independently ascertaining where the incident took place and were therefore wary of condemning it.

Britain says satellite data proves its 15 sailors and marines were seized last week in Iraqi waters.

Iran has shown video footage of the capture and charts it says make clear the capture took place in Iranian waters."

Either our boys are incompetent in showing the "undisputed" evidence or they have more trouble convincing the specialists. Forgive me for being cynical but I go with the question what were our ships and gun boats doing being negligent. You can see on radar for 100s of miles.

By the way what was the answer with Paxman to this question about radar and where our ships were and why they did not go to assist the 15 soldiers? Anybody know the reply?

The Spanish, who are out of the argument, and are observing this panorama with morbid curiosity are not as detailed with their information as, no no doubt, the British are.

Could you tell me, please, what was the suspicious ship being searched? What flag, how big and what she was suspected of carrying? Why can't searches be carried out in port or suspicious ships diverted to open sea for searching?

This should not have happened, regardless of whether it took place in Iranian waters, or not. It is, obviously, too close to problems that the British could do without, right now and that could have been avoided. Even if the launch drifted over and was at fault, it seems to me especially, as this is not the first incident of this kind in which the British have been involved, that the Admiralty should have been much more cautious in where these searches were taking place.

Splitlink said:
The Spanish, who are out of the argument, and are observing this panorama with morbid curiosity are not as detailed with their information as, no no doubt, the British are.

Could you tell me, please, what was the suspicious ship being searched? What flag, how big and what she was suspected of carrying? Why can't searches be carried out in port or suspicious ships diverted to open sea for searching?

This should not have happened, regardless of whether it took place in Iranian waters, or not. It is, obviously, too close to problems that the British could do without, right now and that could have been avoided. Even if the launch drifted over and was at fault, it seems to me especially, as this is not the first incident of this kind in which the British have been involved, that the Admiralty should have been much more cautious in where these searches were taking place.


Hi Splitlink,

I don't know the answers to the questions either but just find the whole fiasco highly fishy. I haven't got a clue but I'm guessing it's a setup based on what I have heard and read so far. Even Iraqis question what the UK dingy's were doing out there. Also, when boarding a boat why take a dingy. What's wrong with a frigate? I'd say if you want to catch the real bomb weapon smuglers, they are bound to put up a fight and poke your dingy so you sink. It all seems so so stupid it's.

Given the vote in Congress yesterday, I think it's highly unlikely the US will launch an attack as they have no more $ left.

Does anybody know how or when these military exercises will end as I'm sure oil will drop coupled with releases of hostages.

I'm looking for an opportunity to bounce.
In the interests of problem solving I have the following solution to this issue....

We form a new Territorial Brigade which we shall colloquially refer to has the 'spongers' ...we shall by Act of Parliament enact conscription ..we shall thereafter recruit the new brigade on the basis they have not paid any tax / NI for a period of 5 years , have not enjoyed the fruits of gainful employement for that period and have not been excused same on the grounds of certifiable medical rational.
Having got our brigade we shall dispatch them post haste to Iraq and assign them to inspecting anything that moves INSIDE of the Iranian border (sea or land). They will be unarmed and in the event of being taken hostage no negotiations for their release will be entered into. At such time as the Iranian authorities agree to release our 15 hostages and make a sustantial compensation payment we may agree to discuss the staged incremental release of the 'spongers' perhaps over say a 25 year period.
fibonelli said:

Arn't Jews and Moslems supposed to be brothers - the descendants of Abraham. Like all good brothers they fight, but they would love and help each other, if they knew and trully believed in Abraham as they claim to. Like life, who ever listens and does as their daddy tells em to? :rolleyes: So perhaps we shouldn't be surprised.

The Economist magazine once had a really interesting cover that read the Worlds three main religions, Christianity, Islam and Zionism all believe in ONE GOD and fighting over him. How true is that...

I don't think Illimunate have much power at all being a secret organisation. I believe all secret organisations are afraid otherwise they wouldn't be secret. We may not know it but Illimunate know this - which is precisely the reason why they are in hiding like criminals - if there is such a thing.

As for the hostages, I'm glad softer lines are being taken. On Bloomberg today some guy said the Iranians were taken aback by UKs response to the hostages having a nice meal in a warm environment. The Iranians thought that would be a PR exercise showing the hostages were being well looked after and cared for and that the UK need not worry. I agree with the Iranians.

What is the difference between having access to them and seeing them as such on TV. Not a mark on them.

What the fok is all the outrage in the UK press about Geneva conventions about parading hostages blah blah blah about. Perhaps they should be made to stand up with wires attached hooded and stressed out in sh1t holes. Or perhaps they should get their heads kicked in by Iranian soldiers for 48 hours (Anybody see Panaroma in last couple of weeks). Or perhaps forced to drown at gunpoint. Haven't we all seen enough. The outrage over a nice sit down meal in some lounge - hypocritical mightier than though approach. I am really ashamed at the hypocrisy of it all - PR for the masses if you ask me.

Chump couldn't be more correct in his initial analysis before we saw the pictures. Spot on.

I'm still curious to find out what the Americans have done with the Iranians or their old deputy defence minister though. Why not have a tit for tat and show them enjoying a big mac with some fries... :LOL:

Then we can call it quits and get back to enjoying life and good friendship like sampling each others cuisine... What do I know? :rolleyes:
Paraphrasing what a former head of the Foreign Office's maritime section, Craig Murray has said (as accurately as i recall),he was a guest on the Alex Jones radio show of Sunday, and was also interviewed by Paxman on newsnight last night.
He states that neither Iran or UK is right, as there is njo definate maritime border between Iran & Iraq. The one agreed decades abck was subject to 10-year reviews, as the border connects to the land at moving sandbanks. However, no reviews have ever taken place, and the border remains disputed.
Because of this disputed border, there is a 12 mile wide disputed zone, that both sides are well advised to stay clear of.
If the GB navy weren't inside Iranian waters, they were verey close to them, deep inside this disputed zone.
Murray stated that the UK's initial response was correct in acknowledging they may have made a mistake in entering Iranian waters, and recognising that there is no definate boundary. However, 10 Dowining street then got involved, denying any fault, stating roughly "turning an incident into a crisis."
Paxman responded to these comments, concluding the interview stating roughly that "it all seems to have rather a familiar tone."
Craig Murray also stated that
The British government is using 'fake maritime boundaries' in its claim that Iran's arrest of its servicemen was allegedly in Iraqi territorial waters, according to former head of Foreign Office's maritime section, Craig Murray.

"The Iran/Iraq maritime boundary shown on the British government map does not exist. It has been drawn up by the British Government," Murray said after the Ministry of Defense published a map about the incident on Wednesday.

"This published boundary is a fake with no legal force," he said.

"Only Iraq and Iran can agree their bilateral boundary, and they never have done this in the (Persian) Gulf," he pointed out.

Murray, who previously carried out British negotiations on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, said the only boundary was inside the river between the two countries because there is the land border too.

When presenting Britain's claim, deputy chief of defense staff, Vice Admiral Charles Style admitted that his government had been given a second set of coordinates by Iran about detention of 15 marines and sailors that were in Iranian waters.

The former diplomat, who was dismissed as Britain's ambassador to Uzbekistan in 2004 after disagreeing with his government's foreign policy, castigated the press for failing to challenge the validity of government's claim. Murray said that even accepting the British coordinates showed that the incident took place "closer to Iranian land than Iraqi land."

This, he said, also "underlines the point that the British produced border is not a reliable one."

Earlier this week, he said that Iran's action in detaining foreign military personnel was legitimate under international law.

He also questioned what Britain's navy was doing in allegedly looking for smuggled cars when the incident took place.
JTrader said:

While questioning the honesty of a man who said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction I would, also, point out that this was an extract from an Iranian newspaper.

The fact is that no one can be trusted in any argument between two sides and it is possible that Craig Murrey has been quoted out of context.

Splitlink said:
While questioning the honesty of a man who said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction I would, also, point out that this was an extract from an Iranian newspaper.

The fact is that no one can be trusted in any argument between two sides and it is possible that Craig Murrey has been quoted out of context.


These UK based newspaper articles contain the same Craig Murray stuff.....
The fact that a former UK Ambassador speaks ouit against his own govts. stance is significant.
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JTrader said:,,-6512742,00.html

These UK based newspaper articles contain the same Craig Murray stuff.....
The fact that a former UK Ambassador speaks ouit against his own govts. stance is significant.

Yep I agree.

Another interesting article in the Independent - Botched US Raid That Led to the Hostage Crises

I think I've alread touched on this when mentioning the 5 Iranians abducted when on a trip to talk with the Kurdish leaders. Real target was these two.

Also bear in mind the deputy defense minister who dissapeared in Istanbul which seems to have dropped from all radar...

How much Mac and Fries can any Iranian eat before they talk? :LOL: