introduction and question


HI my name is peter, and i am new to this forum and to forex trading, i recently got the forex morning system, but dont know how to copy the indicators and template files to to the meta trader template directory, can some one tell me how it is done please.
HI my name is peter, and i am new to this forum and to forex trading, i recently got the forex morning system, but dont know how to copy the indicators and template files to to the meta trader template directory, can some one tell me how it is done please.

Just some advice that I would have paid for in my early years. Don't give more weight to signals sourced from indicators when analysing trade opportunities. You will be better off if you based it off support\resistance and I you like, using indicators as a confirmation. Apologies for moving off topic I just thought I would offload some experience
Hi thanks for your reply and advice, you see to know a lot about trading, could expand or explain further what you was saying about resistance and...