This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.
If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.
:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
This is one of the best trader's communities. Please use the searchbox above and look for what you want. I have found many interesting stuff on this forum. Thanks.Hi, im new at Trade2win even altough im professional trader since 13 years.
May somebody give me an approach where to find something interesting?
is it trade2win the largest traders community in all over the world?
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this forum whilst googling "Agora lifestyles complaints" I get Money Week and usually throw away the booklets advertising guarnteed trading systems but one called "Trader X" (I think) caught my eye and I thought I would see what I could find on the net. I have no trading experience except for a few shares and buying and selling Anglo American over the years which has made me a bit.