Unfortunately I don't think its that straight forward.
I have found that, for example, Updata (who access data from Comstock)and who allow access to a large eod database as well as intraday downloading and upates, "broadcast" their database files at different speeds. Some download at a nominal 512k and others at a nominal 256k. This is for large file downloads. I asked them about this and was advised it was a commercial decision based on their isp charges. This may have changed recently though. For thr steaming download their bandwidth use is very low.
Most financial datafeed providers use complex compression algorithms to reduce their bandwidth requirement and increase their bandwidth usage efficiency - effectively compressing data at their end and decompressing at yours (your system processor/memory/disc read/write access speed is the limiting factor). After decompression the data has to be handled by your system. Result - some small delay (and loss of detail) over and above that caused by other internet factors such as those i first mentioned. Also there is an issue over how many instruments your software collects rt data for at anyone time.
Tiscali have recently intoduced a cheap "broadband" connectionwhich I believe is about 128K. This is advertised at the same sort of monthly cost as the original 24x7 56k connections
It is difficult to say positively that 512 is OTT compared to 128 though. I think that 128 would probably be sufficient for most purposes. It also depends on where your 128 connection comes from. If it is a 128k ISDN line then it will almost certainly be better than a Tiscali type adsl limited offering, as you will always get 128K bandwidth on your connection but you still have no control over the other internet/data aspects. With the tiscali type option the max you get is 128 and the contention is probably high resulting in potentially very low speeds
Remember that the 512 down and 256 up is the maximum you will achieve. As use (contention) increases the bandwidth available to you goes down as you are sharing it with others. This is sometimes visible at busy times of day when down loads slow. However on the positive side the straeming data download is not so demanding (although it is always there)and so you maaaay be using far less bandwidth than the kid next door downloading for his homework - your use is constant - his is sporadic.
Not all 512 connections achieve the same speed on a routine basis not all provider achieve the same results and there can be substantial differences
Have a look at
and try the speed test at
There is also the question of the quality of transmission from your exchange and here the bandwidth can be further diluted in an effort to reach out further (rdsl) - your individual requirements and location etc are of some significance
For me reliability is just as great an issue as speed
Sorry if this has turned into a rant but you did ask