5 years eps info ??


Hey-- does anyone know how I can get access to 5 years earnings per share info from edgar.gov or anywhere else on the internet ?? I do not need 5 year eps for one or any one stock-- I need to access the best 5 year eps records for the 30 best performing market sectors with no regards to company name or any other consideration in those top performing market sectors. I want to cull-out the companies that show eps growth acceleration for 60 months and remove all others from my list. I am trying to develop some CANSLIM market software from scratch-- and am wanting to evaluate that before I evaluate current earnings per share in hopes of reducing the number of companies to consider.
I am kind of frustrated trying to find that info at edgar.gov and Investors Business Daily online and am grateful for any reply or help at all.
if you know where it is posted you may always use waybackmacine http://archive.org/web/

it is annoying to go back in history and collect all the data, but if you really need it and you want it for free this is one of the ways to go
Have you looked at AAII's Stock Investor Pro database? It has a lot of data you can play with.

For more advanced and point-in-time screening and backtesting, I'd recommend Portfolio123.com.
eps is all smoke and mirrors dude .............as i'm sure you know
