Index King's Trading Opportunities


Active member
Index King's Trading Opportunity for Thursday 19 June 2003

The Index King has identified two good trading opportunities for Thursday 19 June 2003

Trade 1 (At the open)

Place a SELL order on the SPANISH 35 (IBEX)
Place a BUY order on the FTSE 100

Make these 'Market On Close' (MOC) orders if possible otherwise close out just before the close of trade for each index.

** Do not do this trade if the difference between the IBEX and the FTSE is less than 2800 **

After you close out the difference will be less than 2800. You will make profit !

Trade 2 (At the open)

Place a SELL order on the SPANISH 35 (IBEX)
Place a BUY order on the Irish 100 (ISEQ)

Make these 'Market On Close' (MOC) orders if possible otherwise close out just before the close of trade for each index.

** Do not do this trade if the difference between the IBEX and the ISEQ is less than 2636 **

After you close out the difference will be less than 2636. You will make profit !

Have a nice day !
Index King
** Index King Update **

The last two trades netted 23 points from the IBEX-FTSE trade and 55 points on the IBEX-ISEQ trade.
Take off about 10 points from the spreads that makes a 68 point profit for Thursday 9th June 2003 trade.

Stay tooned for further trades !

Index King
The trades are based on end of day close prices only for a pair of indices.
Underlying index price is immaterial to the trade since all trades are based on the Price Differences . I then interpolate/extrapolate from the end of day results. Since the trades are based on a whole days trade I know the movement of the differences for the next whole day trade. I do not roll over trades or carry them into weekends etc. I go for in/out on the day only regardless of posible further gains.
It's not too difficult really !
I shall be posting other opportunities the night before the trade and give an update at the end of the day's trade.
Currently I'm up over 4000 points for the year.

Hope this answers your question.

Index King
Index King's Trading Opportunity For Friday 20 June 2003

The Index King has identified two good trading opportunities for Friday 20 June 2003

Trade 1 (At or shortly after open)

Place a SELL order on the NASDAQ COMPOSITE
Place a BUY order on the FTSE 100

Make these 'Market On Close' (MOC) orders if possible otherwise close out just before the official close of trade for each index.

** Do not do this trade if the difference between the FTSE and the NASDAQ COMPOSITE is greater than 2485 **

After you close out the difference will be greater than 2485. You will make profit !

Trade 2 (At or shortly after open)

Place a SELL order on the GERMAN DAX
Place a BUY order on the FTSE

Make these 'Market On Close' (MOC) orders if possible otherwise close out just before the official close of trade for each index.

** Do not do this trade if the difference between the FTSE and the DAX is GREATER than 888 **

After you close out the difference will be greater than 888. You will make profit !

NB Buy and Sell orders must be equal in bet amount !!!!

Have a nice day !
Index King
Just like to thank indexking for being brave enough to post trades and to congratulate hime on the points made.

I used to use a similar system a few years back...playing with the difference between indicies. usually the dax/dow or the ftse/dax depending on which trade seemed to offer the best chances each morning.

My dad actually developed his own system which would give us what seemed like a guaranteed 40 odd points each day. I did, unfortunately take a few 'hits' after a while...u may remember that the dax and ftse used to be very similar numbers. when i was doing these trades they were both about 5200.

One morning the difference was signaling i long the DAX and short the FTSE....Well....i held on to that loser for quite a while until the DAX actually fell below the FTSE by a few hundred points. As im sure u are aware the dax is now like 1000 points below the FTSE...Good job i got out when i did 😉

I hope these trades work out for u and that u have some kind of system to manage these trades. i'll be keeping an eye on these trades as they used to be like taking candy from a baby 🙂

You are referring to differences from trading ranges aren't you ? This is not good since the actually trading ranges change roughly 1000 point move ups eg ftse over 3000 and the dow at 8000 has a few hundred points extra range than for example the ftse at 4000 and the dow at 9000. If you are interested in FTSE DOW trading, watch out for a differnce (maximum) of around 5200 then hit the buy ftse and sell dow buttons !
I prefer shorter day trading ranges as you don't roll positions over and sweat over Bloomberg analysts at the weekends !!

I have added 2 difference trades for Friday. Keep an eye on them !

Index King

When you say "do not do this is the difference is......" does this mean at the open of the FTSE or when the market closes ?


well done Indexking!

I hope this strategy continues to perform for you.

It is great to see all the different systems and strategies used to try to overcome the odds that the spreadbetting companies and brokers have stacked against us.

We will overcome!!!

We all know that SB companies may stack the odds against us but in what way do brokers specifically stack the odds against us ? All a broker does is place your trade and takes a commission based on that. With brokers like IB there is no way that there is any stacking of odds against us in fact it is almost the entire opposite.

Very interesting post, indexking ....... didn't pick up on it until around 10 a.m. this morning, but great to follow.

I monitored the "trade 2" (dax/ftse) difference from 890 level until it came into around 885 so took it for a spin. Yielded 10 points approximately 1 hour later, so an encouraging start.


1. Using Fins, both elements of the trade had 4 point spreads.

2. You suggested an entry point at / shortly after open but it seems reasonable to take the trade whenever the difference is a few points under your stated level (888 for today). Maybe not true as we near ftse close - possibly worth a comment.

3. Based on your EOD analysis, it would be useful to quote an indicative level for the difference - I wasn't around for opening, so the initial gap may have been well under the 885 I observed for my own entry.

4. I like the point that the SB's can't rig the trade against you (other than snatching the 8 point spread! 🙂 ). I.e. any effort to artificially increase the difference versus the market price and they'd be hit by DAX and FTSE index masters.

My original "trade 2" is around the +20 level but glad to have made a few points whilst trying something new earlier.

Nice one.

Answers to Your questions

I am currently using a friends computer in Canary Wharf before I get back to my Janitor duties 🙂 I will be answering your questions and giving you an update on the strategy involved. Don't forget the FTSE is now closed so if my difference is met then you know that selling the NASDAQ Composite will result in success ! Rememer underlying prices don't matter it is the DIFFERENCE that determines an indexes path for the trading day

To Trader 333


I have perhaps been to strict in my instructions for the trades I recommend. Basically you can put the trades on anytime as long as the difference target is met. Even a minute before close !
The most important point is to remember that each index must be closed out at its official closing time even though another one that officially finishes much later is left to carry on on its own.
The underlying prices do not matter, it is the differences that produce the profit for you.

Index Kings Update For Friday 20 June 2003

Trade 1

SELL the NASDAQ Composite
BUY the FTSE 100

FTSE Closed at 4160
Nasdaq Composite closed at 1645

Total Difference is 2515

Profit is 2515-2485= 30 points

Trade 2

BUY Ftse

FTSE closed at 4160
DAX closed at 3238

Total difference is 922

Profit is 922-888 is 34 points

Both trades today netted 64 points less roughly 10 points for the spread. You should have made around 50 points on both trades today.

I believe tally so far is around 118 points in profit over Thursday and Friday this week.

Index King is happy 🙂
Index King Comments on Weeks Trades

The Index King has been rather naughty and posted only the smaller profiting trades to his friends on the Trade2win boards.

The Index King will not reveal the mathematical technique for his method since it is was given to me in trust. So please don't ask

Overal the trades I put up produced over 100 points profit for anyone that followed them (spreads taken into account).
The Index King would estimate that a conservative stake @ £5 per point would make anyone happy for 2 days tax free work. I hope this is you !!

Points to Remember.

1 Method not rely on spurious economic indicators, moving averages, exponentials, RSI support/resistance etc etc..Index King used these and now calls them 'fools tools'

2. The trades will always make you profit but you must follow the instructions exactly for maximum profit.

3. You must close out each Index at it's official closing price on the day , which is why I recommend Market On Close orders . This is so even if it means your other index is moving alone. The Close Prices Are Paramount...!!!

4. The Index King analyses many opportunitise but will select only the sure ones. Index King aims to give traders between 5 and 100 points profit on a daily trade.

5 The Index King will post trades as necessary but will take a long holiday back to his native Spain and will not be issuing trades until return. The Index King will still monitor the boards for any questions.

6. The Index King has been a bit too strict regarding entry to the trades. Basically you can enter the trade anytime during the day when my difference has been met but you must close out at the offical end regardless , even if one index ends up being traded for a minute !!

I hope I've made some people happy for the weekend !

Thankyou for your time and have a nice weekend.

Indexking, Interesting thread. Good to see you are making tons
of points. Hope you are making tons of money too. Just
wondering do you ride the index for the whole day? If so
your drawdowns must get big! Can you give any idea how
much you need in your account for the drawdowns?


Index King -The difference in the example - FTSE-DAX (888) - What makes you buy the FTSE and sell the DAX and not the other way round or does it work both ways?
Reply to Lambchops


Index King know outcome only under certain conditions. The buy and sell orders are done to benefit from the move. Method will lose you money if you do not buy and sell the ones I say.

Have a nice weekend

Reply to ImranQ


Once the conditions are met there is only one outcome for the rest of the day.

Have a nice weekend
