Import Inraday data ?


Hi All

I have metastock 10 professional version.
I got imported the following ABAN futures data using downloader

ABAN_F1,D,20080925,103259,2365.0000,2365.0000,2365 .0000,2365.0000,50,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,103359,2365.0000,2365.0000,2364 .1499,2364.1499,800,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,103459,2364.1499,2365.1001,2364 .1499,2365.1001,350,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,103559,2365.1001,2365.1001,2365 .0000,2365.0000,700,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,161259,2322.8999,2323.3501,2322 .0000,2323.3501,550,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,161359,2323.7000,2323.7000,2321 .2500,2321.2500,650,0
ABAN_F1,D,20080925,161459,2322.0000,2322.0000,2322 .0000,2322.0000,950,0

But i am not able to see the intraday chart. It is showing only one symbol for 25/09. When edited, i only found single entry in the Downloader. It seems that downloader only imported the Daily periodicity data instead of intraday. I have also selected the intraday periodcity before importing. But it did not help.

Thanks in advance.
go into option bfr converting & check intraday setting & put 1 bar per minute & than convert
if still face the same problem send me any single file i will check & reply u back

[email protected]
y dont you join echart india for data services....since you purchased such an xpensive s/ware....