ig markets - a criminal broker

Yeah because I am not a coward or a narcissist like most people are who are okay to be slaves to religion and money. To me religion is awful and should be destroyed completely but somehow they are always interested in everything. I want money and god to be destroyed because it's a thing of fiction.
I share your scepticism on religion - all religions are based on ignoring evidence and accepting the word of other people as a matter of faith.

However, I don't understand what you say about money. Money is neither good nor bad, it depends what it is used for. The things that money can do are either good or bad, but the money itself is neither.

If you're so negative on money (do you actually mean capitalism?) why would you be trying to make more money through trading? Why would you be a member of a forum for traders who are all trying to do just that?
I share your scepticism on religion - all religions are based on ignoring evidence and accepting the word of other people as a matter of faith.

However, I don't understand what you say about money. Money is neither good nor bad, it depends what it is used for. The things that money can do are either good or bad, but the money itself is neither.

If you're so negative on money (do you actually mean capitalism?) why would you be trying to make more money through trading? Why would you be a member of a forum for traders who are all trying to do just that?
Money is bad because it's printed out of thin air and it is used to psychologically torture people to the absolute extreme. What good is being a billionaire does to you? So you can pass it onto your kids or future generations? Don't you people realize that less is more? My only problem with money or any social program is that things are forced upon its citizens. I don't get to decide when I can start working but I am forced to look for work and do these shitty jobs that don't add any value to my life or anyone else's other than feed the male fantasy of getting rich. Hell you can't even get a job these days without experience unless you defraud the system. Everything is scripted these days and too much planning.
The rich people got to do everything and more

Taxes were raised by the rich so they can control you
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I value liberty more than security because security is an illusion. Just note that it's the survival of the fittest and smartest here.
Human beings have evolved. Ever since we started working together because we somehow intuited groups are better than one individual, 'roles' evolved within the group. The role of the female was to look after those who were less fit and able like children and the elderly. You have dismissed millions of years of evolution in one ill thought out sentence.

Here at T2W there is a community where each individual works together in their own 'special' way to help those who are NOT fit or strong, this way we all get to eat and survive.

Clearly working alone - isn't 'working' for you. If you are against the political system then do a Nigel Farage and spend 20+ years of your life trying to change ONE thing. And if you group together with other like minded individuals then who knows you might all just change the world.

Stop moping and crying about how wrong the system is for YOU and get off your arse and DO something about it otherwise people will view you as weak and whiney.
Money is bad because it's printed out of thin air and it is used to psychologically torture people to the absolute extreme. What good is being a billionaire does to you? So you can pass it onto your kids or future generations? Don't you people realize that less is more? My only problem with money or any social program is that things are forced upon its citizens. I don't get to decide when I can start working but I am forced to look for work and do these shitty jobs that don't add any value to my life or anyone else's other than feed the male fantasy of getting rich. Hell you can't even get a job these days without experience unless you defraud the system. Everything is scripted these days and too much planning.
The rich people got to do everything and more

Taxes were raised by the rich so they can control you
Why is money bad, and why is having more money bad? You say its bad and you also say the rich control everything - so clearly you believe money is good for them. I suppose you mean if you have money, that's a good thing, but if they have money, that's a bad thing.

Which agrees with what I said - that money is neither good nor bad, it is the things you do with it which are good or bad. And which disagrees with what you said, that money is bad.

I wonder if your lack of success is due to your lack of clear thinking. You say you believe in two opposing ideas at the same time.

Money is not forced upon anyone, it is the reward paid for your labour. If you don't work you will have less money: if you work, you will have more money. There is no compulsion or force here. And what's wrong with making enough money to not have to worry about paying for what you need? How do you pay for what you need?
Why is money bad, and why is having more money bad? You say its bad and you also say the rich control everything - so clearly you believe money is good for them. I suppose you mean if you have money, that's a good thing, but if they have money, that's a bad thing.

Which agrees with what I said - that money is neither good nor bad, it is the things you do with it which are good or bad. And which disagrees with what you said, that money is bad.

I wonder if your lack of success is due to your lack of clear thinking. You say you believe in two opposing ideas at the same time.

Money is not forced upon anyone, it is the reward paid for your labour. If you don't work you will have less money: if you work, you will have more money. There is no compulsion or force here. And what's wrong with making enough money to not have to worry about paying for what you need? How do you pay for what you need?
Money is forced upon everyone because wallstreet never sleeps and that's what drives the world because we saw that printing of money is what everyone did. The establishment that are people and our parents accepted it as a form of exchange but white people broke the law and then basically became the control mechanism. It's just another arrogant attempt at men at controlling nature and controlling one another.
Money is forced upon everyone because wallstreet never sleeps and that's what drives the world because we saw that printing of money is what everyone did. The establishment that are people and our parents accepted it as a form of exchange but white people broke the law and then basically became the control mechanism. It's just another arrogant attempt at men at controlling nature and controlling one another.
Stop crying into your keyboard and go out into the world and change it if you dont like it.
Jesus grow up you sound like a 5 year old thats been told it cant have another ice cream. There's nothing worse than a whining little child thats never been been told 'no' before.
Money is forced upon everyone because wallstreet never sleeps and that's what drives the world because we saw that printing of money is what everyone did. The establishment that are people and our parents accepted it as a form of exchange but white people broke the law and then basically became the control mechanism. It's just another arrogant attempt at men at controlling nature and controlling one another.
Hard to follow a clear line of thinking here.

You seem to be saying that money is so evil that we need to return to a world of barter. Is this correct?
If so, how would the world economically function on a barter basis? How would trade continue, and especially international trade?

You clearly say that white people broke the law and control the world. Which laws are we talking about, when did they break them, who broke them, where did they break them?

But you also say its an arrogant action by men. Do you just mean white men? Which white men?
Hard to follow a clear line of thinking here.

You seem to be saying that money is so evil that we need to return to a world of barter. Is this correct?
If so, how would the world economically function on a barter basis? How would trade continue, and especially international trade?

You clearly say that white people broke the law and control the world. Which laws are we talking about, when did they break them, who broke them, where did they break them?

But you also say its an arrogant action by men. Do you just mean white men? Which white men?
You're trying to have an adult conversation with a child. It will end in tears .. his.
Stop crying into your keyboard and go out into the world and change it if you dont like it.
Jesus grow up you sound like a 5 year old thats been told it cant have another ice cream. There's nothing worse than a whining little child thats never been been told 'no' before.
Why bother changing the world? Don't you see that changing the world is what causes the problem in the first place? Problem reaction action solution. So this social circle keeps us locked here forever. I am a slave to the white race who owns the world. They piss off people from the middle east and cause problems and demonize people from the middle east because white people fall for the noble cause corruption crap. All this collective crap is what causes the problem in the first place. The powers that be don't want you live forever which is why diseases were introduced and racial purification was introduced. It was designed to make men weaker and softer.
If you do get stronger they will find a way to kill you off. The white race wants us glued to the computer screen rather than finding a partner and you wonder why loneliness is such a huge problem in the west and why male suicide is so high. It's because we are a slave. Utopia is dystopia.
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Why bother changing the world? Don't you see that changing the world is what causes the problem in the first place? Problem reaction action solution. So this social circle keeps us locked here forever. I am a slave to the white race who owns the world. They piss off people from the middle east and cause problems and demonize people from the middle east because white people fall for the noble cause corruption crap. All this collective crap is what causes the problem in the first place. The powers that be don't want you live forever which is why diseases were introduced and racial purification was introduced. It was designed to make men weaker and softer.
If you do get stronger they will find a way to kill you off. The white race wants us glued to the computer screen rather than finding a partner and you wonder why loneliness is such a huge problem in the west and why male suicide is so high. It's because we are a slave. Utopia is dystopia.
The USA and Europe go out of their way NOT to piss off the Middle East as that is where the majority of oil reserves are! The majority of beheadings still occur in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran but this is NOT reported in western media as they have been told to keep quiet about it, plus nobody of any significance cares. Women are kidnapped and held prisoner but nothing will be done about it
Its the same with the Chinese and the internment and 're-education' of the Uighur , its being kept below the headlines of the death of a single woman from London.
Come back and have a grown up conversation when you have educated yourself.
Why bother changing the world? Don't you see that changing the world is what causes the problem in the first place? Problem reaction action solution. So this social circle keeps us locked here forever. I am a slave to the white race who owns the world. They piss off people from the middle east and cause problems and demonize people from the middle east because white people fall for the noble cause corruption crap. All this collective crap is what causes the problem in the first place. The powers that be don't want you live forever which is why diseases were introduced and racial purification was introduced. It was designed to make men weaker and softer.
If you do get stronger they will find a way to kill you off. The white race wants us glued to the computer screen rather than finding a partner and you wonder why loneliness is such a huge problem in the west and why male suicide is so high. It's because we are a slave. Utopia is dystopia.
Slow down a minute, just take these things one by one, and think them through.

First off, the white race does not own the world. The white race has no influence in China, the world's most populous country and precious little in South-East Asia, India or Africa. South America is clearly not dominated by white people, it is quite independent of European or US regimes. What white people run the Middle East I cannot for the life of me think; I just cannot think of a Middle Eastern country dominated by Europeans.

I have to think that your unsubstantiated conclusions that the white race is responsible for all the bad things that have happened to you and to the entire world are the product of your own racial biases, not those of the Caucasian race.

You have marked your T2W profile as resident in the UK. Do you live in the UK?
He/ she is talking about Chosen Tribe.They don't consider themselves Whites,they are special.
About the laws being broken and money printing:study how FED got born,Roosevelt gold confiscation,Nixon 'temporary' closing of gold/USD redemptions in international monetary arrangement,bank bailouts at the expense of general public,quantitative easing at the expense of general public,ridiculous small fines every time big boys get cought in price fixings,tax evasion by means of lobbying for Google,Soros and alike...Learn how IMF works and why...Learn about FX manipulations by central banks and their Primary dealers (it just happens they are major Western banks owned by The Tribe...Chairmans of the FED always members of the Tribe...
He/ she is talking about Chosen Tribe.They don't consider themselves Whites,they are special.
About the laws being broken and money printing:study how FED got born,Roosevelt gold confiscation,Nixon 'temporary' closing of gold/USD redemptions in international monetary arrangement,bank bailouts at the expense of general public,quantitative easing at the expense of general public,ridiculous small fines every time big boys get cought in price fixings,tax evasion by means of lobbying for Google,Soros and alike...Learn how IMF works and why...Learn about FX manipulations by central banks and their Primary dealers (it just happens they are major Western banks owned by The Tribe...Chairmans of the FED always members of the Tribe...
So I was right, he has the mental age of a 5 year old.
Slow down a minute, just take these things one by one, and think them through.

First off, the white race does not own the world. The white race has no influence in China, the world's most populous country and precious little in South-East Asia, India or Africa. South America is clearly not dominated by white people, it is quite independent of European or US regimes. What white people run the Middle East I cannot for the life of me think; I just cannot think of a Middle Eastern country dominated by Europeans.

I have to think that your unsubstantiated conclusions that the white race is responsible for all the bad things that have happened to you and to the entire world are the product of your own racial biases, not those of the Caucasian race.

You have marked your T2W profile as resident in the UK. Do you live in the UK?
White people do own the world. Why do you think that there is political parties/social circles but I rather go back to basics and be on this planet forever than feed a fantasy that the rich wanted to have to go to space and beyond but do you really want to go to space? I rather risk it here this beautiful planet called earth.