I almost got it...


Veteren member
I am sorely disappointed that I failed to get long the Euro last night when I saw the Worldspreads front page, 4th box down on the right.

Looks like it was introduced on the 14th too...so I'm really behind the curve.

Anyway, nice little promo from Worldpsreads there. I'm sure lots of people with have fun with that.

Of coure, one has to assume the Euro has now bottomed and therefore the correct play is to get long immediately. But the 14th would have been best!

It just goes to show how if you hesitate on the job or miss anything crucial, you can pay the price.
What an odd post..The *legend* that isTD resorts to scraping barrels....gutted for you Tom..
Jeez - still messing around with spread bet accounts and YET training others in the art.

The mind boggles.

Shall we have a whip round for this guy?
This is extremely tenuous. But maybe people are now buying Euro for physical delivery, you know, so they can have a souvenir when it finally goes out of production?

Hope not - then I won't be able to use the 10 Baht coins in European vending machines...
Jeez - still messing around with spread bet accounts and YET training others in the art.

The mind boggles.

Shall we have a whip round for this guy?

Yes! Do it!

Have a whip around. I'll run it up for you.

And then if you are lucky, I might return you the proceeds so you can p*ss it up the wall trying to read the order book ;-)
Yes! Do it!

Have a whip around. I'll run it up for you.

And then if you are lucky, I might return you the proceeds so you can p*ss it up the wall trying to read the order book ;-)

Seriously - you should stop now...

Trawling around SB sites looking for 300 quid... honestly...
Used to be able to do that in my younger days....

Hi Bramble,

Nice of you to join the fun. I always enjoy your posts.

We're on the subject of Worldspreads' introduction of the "first ever bet on the future of a currency": a bet on how many days the Euro will survive in the countdown to Eurogeddon and the implications for the contrarian trader. (which so far are looking pretty good)

That's the 4th box down on the website.

Unfortunately, Dion and Black Swan have difficulty counting and seem to think we're going on about the £300 Cashback offer 🙂

But don't let that bother you.
