How to get a list of stocks offered by a spread firm?


Has anyone seen a spreads firm that publishes their list of shares they offer prices on?

I have just switched to finspreads and they dont offer the same rolling prices on the companies offered by capital spreads... so I`m going to have to change the companies I look at on a daily basis...

Does anyone have a complete list of finspreads rolling daily companies? or know of any spreads firm that publishes their list??
I was wondering the same a while back and then just ended up scrolling through every UK and US stock they had on the platform! Why not phone them and ask? (I was doing my research in the middle of the night so couldn't do that, but it only took about 4hours!!)
Unfortunately, financial spread betting brokers, like any other brokers do not publish lists of shares as the list is too dymanic and it's always down to exchanges as well. So they would need to hire someone full time just to monitor the listings.