in the unlikely even that someone trades £500 a point and makes £20k a day with a spreadbetting firm- where is the limit? surely they wouldn't let you take millions a year?
has anybody had such problems?
now seriously
I remember a couple who bet short on a software company (Sopheon?) a few years back now. The price kept dropping and they kept adding to the position. The SB company (Fins I think) kept offering to them to close the position but they hung on until they took out over a milllion profit. The firm made quite a bit of publicity on it. I never heard anything more about them but what the heck? how many times does anyone need to make a million?
Not entirely sure why Fins would encourage them to close the position given they'd likely be profiting from their spread through fill-on-fill offsetting. But then I haven't read the story, and I'm not about to.
Maybe they hadn't hedged it?
Why employ a spread if successfully taking the other side of the market consistently were certain?
If you were doing that consistently, I think they'd love you. Obviously, you'd be on dealer referral, but all the SB would be worried about is getting hedged and then shadowing your trade.
Erm... Not sure I follow that?