How do I automate my trading?


Well-known member

I am interested in building a robot to automate a trading method.
However, I know very little about the computer or programming.

I currently trade on FXCM's platform- Trade Station 2.

Do I need a special platform to do this?

What is the basic idea behind automating a trading method, since I won't be able to follow detailed programming lingo.

Also, How can I find someone to help me automate my method?
I'd be willing to pay for this service.

Any help would be appreciated.

Good Luck To All

I've just finished automating my own program, and would be willing to help you with yours.

My experience is with Interactive Brokers (IB). Basically the way it works is IB gives you a program, trader workstation (TWS), that connects to their brokerage. You can use TWS to place orders, request data, etc. You can also connect to TWS with a program you write, and the program can tell it to make trades, get data, etc. So the connection is my program -> TWS -> IB -> exchange. The program and TWS can be on the same computer, that's probably most common, but they can be on different computers too as long as they can connect over a network or the internet.

Thus the program (which implements your method) talks to TWS, which passes the orders through to the broker. Anything the broker's platform can do, the program can do

A couple of limitations. Since you're in the US there is a limit on trading by computer, you're supposed to have $25,000 in your trading account (there might be exceptions, I'm not sure). Second, ib's real time data has up to a quarter second delay, plus latency (travel time of stuff on the internet), so hopefully your method doesn't depend on data that's within 1/10 of a second or something like that.

If you're interested, send me an email at [email protected].
