Holy Cow it's the Holy Grail!


Active member
Just looking through a trading site that looked a bit weak on content and prehaps a bit new. I checked the link at the top which was about swing trading and one of the adverts at the bottom was this:

Trading The Grail

Tradestars incredible 'Holy Grail' indicator (also know as the 'Champion Trader' formula) has been used for over a decade to generate phenomenal profits (up to a $1000 a day!) with barely a few minutes a day work. The website is essentially free, and has all the information you need to begin using the Grail indicator - simply enter your favorite symbol and instantly see the Grail chart for it, with up to 50 days performance record. An ebook is also available, explaining in simple language exactly how the Grail is calculated, how the authors think it is best to trade it, where to place stops, where to exit and so on. A one in a million website for a one in a million system! BESTSELLER!

Who are Tradestars? Looks like a jump on the bandwagon product development job. I though i'd share the advert, as it made me chuckle! Wouldn't thought it would be long before someone coined the phrase 'holy grail' and tried to cash in on it.
And quote 'barely a few minutes a day work'. Ermm personally i wanna learn and research my trades so i get something out of taking a profit. Hmm bet that ebook's not free. IMHO, I like to make trading decisions myself not have some black box do it for me. And even showing how the 'grail's' would be as good as building and testing a indicator yourself.

Thanks for your time (and thank 'tradestars' for a chuckle)
A lot has been written about Champion Trader on t2w. Just try a search. I've backtested it and not been overly impressed.