Hi Sharky...Don't like to moan...but!!!!

Hi Sharky, Hope you had a great holiday.....now the moan!! the comp has done me out of £43k by closing bby @ 0p and ignoring that i have 5000 short wpp..probably my fault for not following the rules...still i'll wait for the next comp to prove my mettle lol. Col
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Hiya Col,

Had a great time thanks... its just never long enough! Well I see where the problem was, theres seems to be a bug where if you have a long and short position open and then close or cover it affects the other position, normally by fleecing you of all your cash. I'll work to get it fixed asap, in the meantime its probably a good idea not to be both long and short in a stock. Will try and fix your entry tonight, otherwise by the end of play tomorrow.

Hi Sharky, What happened with bby, had 6684 on 10/6 value £15373.20p stopped out on 11/6 worth 0 price 0 is that the same bug, as this was a long.
Hiya Col,

hmm.. that looks like another problem, this time to do with the price feed - it should really reject a trade if the stock is quoted at zero. OK, I'll add that as a rule, and update your portfolio for that too, looks like you've got a stash of cash coming your way!
Now fixed.. cleaned up the last few trades and reinstated bby sale at correct price for that time. Good luck for the rest of the week!