Hairy landings!


Senior member
Thrills & spills at Hamburg: (watch the port wingtip :oops:) BBC Media Player
Seems they were almost as unlucky as the recent 777 crash landing at London Heathrow.

Had any hairy moments of late?
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Lol yeah watched that on the news, freaking amazing......

When they find out you're on the flight you'll get a fighter escort (unless they "inadvertently" shoot you down first).

Yeah - they're not a real country if they can't control the weather eh? Wouldn't happen at gatwick!

exactly my point.
where's all this famous german efficiency they bang on about ? surely it wouldn't be beyond german engineering to build giant walls around the airport to protect planes from cross winds.
i mean, they built a big wall in Berlin, why not Hamburg ?

"Wouldn't happen at gatwick" Thank God. If it did, someone would make a 52-week tv series about it consisting of brain-dead bints and camp ttwats spouting inane comments with an equally inane commentary: "On the graveyard shift Tracy has broken a finger nail lifting baggage; Jerome is offering a solution: "Oh you stupid bitch, Tracy, some of those cases are sooo0o heavy. why don't you ask that dream-boat of a baggage-handler to shift them?". And all would become celebrities with their own shows.


"Wouldn't happen at gatwick"

Hopefully, under such weather conditions at Gatwick most aircraft commanders would have declined the approach or diverted. That was so close to being a total disaster.

I wonder how much, commercial pressure or "get-home-itis" contributed to the decision not to abandon the approach earlier? :confused:
Hopefully, under such weather conditions at Gatwick most aircraft commanders would have declined the approach or diverted. That was so close to being a total disaster.

I wonder how much, commercial pressure or "get-home-itis" contributed to the decision not to abandon the approach earlier? :confused:

maybe the pilot is sponsored by Andrex toilet paper ?
We get some hair-raising approaches here in rainy season when we descend through the electrical storms, but that Hamburg landing was something else !
Imagine how the passengers were feeling at the time.

Cue Andrex .................:cry:
Apparently hurricane Emma had calmed down to an extent that landings were deemed safe and possible again with constant crosswinds of 25 knots, an Airbus is built to handle 30 knots.

But what happened, and that can apparently happen even when there is no storm going on at all, was a vicious side blast of wind, an explosive crosswind, that led to the almost accident.

Starting through when such a massive crosswind occurs is something that is apparently trained permanently by Lufthansa pilots on simulators, so start through is what they did.

39 year old Pilot with 17 years experience, 6 as Captain, and his 24 year old Co-pilot, both of whom are on regular duty again:




15 minutes after the initial landing was aborted:




In German, but here's a protocol of the landing:

3.20 Uhr: Der Pilot fordert vom Flughafen in Hamburg die Wettermeldung an. Niels Stüben (39, „Cockpit“): „Die Daten kommen per Telex (1).“

13.21 Uhr: Laut Deutschem Wetterdienst gibt es schwere Böen. Der Tower bietet zwei Landebahnen an.

13.23 Uhr: Oliver A. entscheidet sich für die windigere. Axel Raab (Deutsche Flugsicherung): „Weil sie über ein elektronisches Führungssystem verfügt. Der versteht was von seinem Handwerk.“

13.24 Uhr: Pilot und Co-Pilotin Maxi J. (24) rechnen mit einer „Crosswind“-Landung, also Seitenwinden.

13.28 Uhr: Nicht gesicherte Gegenstände fliegen durchs Flugzeug.

13.29 Uhr: Das Flugzeug schwankt hin und her. Pilotenausbilder Floris Helmers (34): „Der Pilot stellt die Maschine in den Wind, bewegt den Joystick (2) nach rechts.“

13.32 Uhr: Vor dem Aufsetzen („Touchdown“) drückt eine Böe die Maschine nach links. Mit Pedalen (3) versuchen die Piloten den Seitenwind auszugleichen. Eine Tragfläche schrammt über die Landebahn. Totenstille an Bord, Spucktüten werden benutzt.

13.33 Uhr: In letzter Sekunde startet das Piloten-Team durch („Go-Around“), beide Schubhebel (4) werden nach vorne gedrückt.

Cockpit with numbers explaining what happened when:
Pilot Oliver A. rettet 131 Passagieren und 6 Crewmitgliedern der LH 044 das Leben -

Apparently hurricane Emma had calmed down to an extent that landings were deemed safe and possible again with constant crosswinds of 25 knots, an Airbus is built to handle 30 knots.

Interesting piece of research there BSD.

He wouldn't be the first pilot to have got caught out by crosswind. As you say - it's ok in a constant xwind but that Hamburg one was rather nasty.

I was just wondering if Arbitrageur (#6 post)
has been at work again? :)

Good stuff 007.

Arb must be who caused it.


Maybe Arb can cut a deal giving him free flights for life, because he gave the pilots a good opportunity to experience in real life what before had only been attempted in a boring simulator.


I'd give that a try.

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Do you have a picture of the co-pilot in a school uniform? This isn't for me, it's for a friend.

Just wondering, perhaps one of the cabin crew had a serious case of constipation and no amount of Senikot would help so they opted for drastic solutions. They were actually supposed to land in Ibiza but diverted.
Just wondering, perhaps one of the cabin crew had a serious case of constipation and no amount of Senikot would help so they opted for drastic solutions. They were actually supposed to land in Ibiza but diverted.

There is an old military custom that when doing flybys you dip a wing to acknowledge any VIPs. Was the Boss of Lufthansa on a day visit to the airport perhaps ?
There is an old military custom that when doing flybys you dip a wing to acknowledge any VIPs. Was the Boss of Lufthansa on a day visit to the airport perhaps ?

Or they've invented air-golf, and the pilots wins that hit the ball furthest with the wing tips.

Maybe they'll need to add these warning signs to airports in future if the sport takes off.



Taking it further, one could have competitions between airborne players vs landrats:


Might be money in this.

It would just need some clever marketing, but that shouldn't pose a major problem.
