'Guide' to t2w


Junior member
Hi everyone,

As someone new, both to this forum and currency trading, I'm still in a state of overwhelming sensory overload by all the information available.

I'm not much one for one trick fixes or holy grails. Rather, I'm here to learn how to trade and trade well by building solid trade plans and applying the necessary discipline and conviction to trade them and sharpen them and trade them and so on.

I've been advised that all or at least most of the information I'll need to help me in this can be found on this forum.

The thing is that there are so many posts and so much to read that one is easily overwhelmed and gets lost.

To anyone reading, what would you say is the best way to approach gathering the information I'll need - assuming that I'd start from square one with my long term goal being to eventually trade for a living?. Is there anyone (a particular poster or posters) that you could recommend I follow or read as many as possible previous posts on? Do you have any advice or a map, so to speak, to go about gathering important information from the forum?

As ever, thanks for your help and time.

Hi fxgreg,
If you scroll to the foot of the page, click on the link 'Trading FAQ' under the blue heading 'New to Site?' A lot of your initial questions will be answered there. The only other general tip I'd give is to question everything you read and realise that there is someone, somewhere, with an opposing view. In this respect, trading is a bit like politics, there are relatively few absolute right or wrongs cast in stone which get unanimous agreement. Try your best to evaluate the pro's and con's equally - especially about the big decisions - before making up your mind. For example, your nick is 'fxgreg'. Now, I may be adding 2 + 2 and making 5, but my guess is that you're name is Greg and you want to trade fx? Everyone wants to trade fx these days, it's hip and sexy. But is it really the best market for you - have you seriously looked at the downside and carefully considered the alternatives? Good on you if you have and, if you haven't, I recommend you give this a lot of very careful thought early on. You realise, I hope, that whether or not I'm right about your name is immaterial, it's the principle that matters.
Enjoy your journey!