I doubt you're going to learn how to trade futures in a trading room. However, at least keep in mind the following:
Trading By Price:
As for trading rooms, these are common vendor's webs, and the luckless are the flies. There are good ones, I hear, but how to tell?
First figure out why you want one. If you want one that provides "calls" that you can actually take advantage of, you can waste time seeking documentation and blotters and timestamps and brokerage statements and references and endorsements and whatever the hell else, or you can simply insist on the ability to see the trader's charts in real time, charts that show his entries, his management, his exits, "ChartTrader" style. If this isn't provided, put your wallet back in your pants and move on. This is a waste of your time.
If, on the other hand, you're looking for an education, that's another can of worms. What sort of education are you looking for? How to develop a trading plan? Then you need a coach. How to follow somebody else's plan? Then you're back in VendorLand, because there's no point in following somebody else's plan if it's crap. And the only way to determine whether or not it's crap is either to see audited results, some sort of proof that the trader can actually trade, or see the plan itself, if there is one, so that you can verify it yourself. And if none of that is forthcoming, then you're back to being able to see his screen and his live trades and trade management. And even if you can find someone who's legit, someone who's a mentor rather than a salesman, you're still in the position of learning somebody else's method. And if that's what you want, and all you want, great. But how much confidence can you have in somebody else's method? "Make Money While You Learn" sounds great, but learn what? Somebody else's method. And what happens when the spigot is turned off? Are you not ultimately better off by becoming an independent trader with your own thoroughly-tested and consistently-profitable trading plan rather than someone who is continually seeking to be fed?
Trading is a lonely activity, and, if one gets that far, a lonely profession. Trading rooms and chat rooms and online trading forums serve to assuage that loneliness by offering communities. Unfortunately, while one may not feel quite so lonely by involving himself in these activities, he is very likely missing important trading opportunities in the meantime. How much more sense does it make to limit the amount of time one trades before quitting and doing something else: a walk, a bike ride, weeding the garden, watching a movie, reading a book, playing a game (besides trading, that is)? If one is lonely, trading rooms etc. are not the answer. If one is lonely, he'd be better off getting a dog.