
The main goldline system has always been a trend system. all the trades as far as I can see are trend trades. The range (I prefer the word Channel) breakouts are on top of the Trend trades.

I have looked closely at their system but not paid up. Still working on my own.
Trend following or not Peter any system that has the potential for these kinds of drawdowns is impossble to trade, hell even with a 50% drawdown 90% of people will lose their nerve.

I think you're doing the right thing designing your own, all the information that you need is around the web for free.

Good luck
Just been to main boards and guess who has just joined T2W??

Mark Harniman OF Goldline Systems,

Welcome Mark, your sure to bring some life back into this thread

Perhaps you could start by answering some of your critics on this thread, some of these posts suggest you are a crook what do you say to them??

My Question to you is,
Your profile suggests you are rolling in it
Are you rich from Betting or selling systems??
and what do you say to the people who say that if your system worked you would not have to sell it??

Welcome to T2W

Mr Squad
Goldline system

Hi People,


I though it may be of interest to some board members to know that we (goldline systems) are real and approachable people. If anyone has any questions they want to ask, or want to pay us a visit, they are more then welcome.

Over 10 years ago, like the majority of people here I guess, I believed you could make money speculating. Unlike most people (probably) I invested many Tens of thousand of pounds and thousand of hours, employing specialist help testing hundreds of ideas and concepts.
In a nutshell, the result of this; and this is just my opinion; to make money gambling/investing/trading, you need:

1. An ability to do the hard thing. Most people simply can't do what other people tell them not to. The minority of people who make money do the opposite of what the majority are saying. After all, the majority of market particiapnts lose. Most peoples own nature won't allow them to win because they search out what they want to hear: what they are personally comfortable with or wish to believe, not what is real. Understand that there is such a thing as a good losing trade and a bad winning trade. Most people don't have the personal fortitude to keep going through hardship. You will recognise too how most people blame everyone and everything, it's easier to blame others than to find and rectify own faults.

2. A realistic expectation and money management stratergy.; YES; you will lose more times than you win. Understand what your risk potential is, understand your draw down and BUDGET for it. If you chase more wins with smaller returns for the comfort of 'being right' you won't beat the cost of the trading. Everyone wants to win 90% of the time and have no losing months..unfortunately there is such as thing as the real world. The real profits are made when everyone has chucked in their hand. Did you buy property in 1991?

3. A defined systematic approach; understand your 'edge' or value in the play. Undestand your expectancy, strike rate, rate of return, probability of ruin and do the maths. Then wrap up all that work into a method that will remove the biggest obstacle.YOU! As humans we were taught not to put our hand back into the fire. All Betting/Trading (it's all the same) requires you to do that time and time again. You need a vehicle that removes as much of the emotion as possible.

Once you understand the princples of speculation, they can be applied in ANY speculative market. I have made money in EVERY market I have applied the rules; sports betting, property as well as the markets. Ultimately, it is my experince however that the financial markets offer the best reward for the risks. But you need an edge.

I won't post any more threads; it's not how I chose to spend my spare time, but I thought it worth introducing myself to anyone who is interested to know more about our speculative systems work and development. If you are genuinely interested in our work then come along (for free, without obligation) and we can gladly have a chat.

No doubt there will be many posters putting up weird and wonderful negative posts, who can tell what anyones real agenda is when opinions are made in the dark by faceles people?I won't get involved in mud slinging, all I can say is come along and make up your own mind.

Im not saying I have all the answers, but I own a nice Rolls Royce, Mecedes, Aston DB7 and 3 racehorses, and I will gladly show my betting accounts to anyone who wants to pay me a visit. My accountant will also verify the extent of my profits as a result of my speculative activities. I'll also be glad to introduce you to REAL goldline users; get the facts then make up YOUR own mind.
I came across Goldline on the web and made a note of all the entry and exit dates etc...try this...plot a 20-day Exponential Moving Avg and buy when the Dow or whatever when it crosses above the line and sell when it goes below the line...there are a couple of other criteria that need to be met by the looks of it and the stop/loss strategy takes a bit of working out but that is all it basically is which is a lot to ask for £5k !
For what it's worth I have bought the system and made my first trade today. It's currently £80 up, but obviously a profit is only a profit when it is banked. If people wish I will post results. I paid £2000 and will have to pay more if I double my bank in 6 months. Maybe I'm a mug, time will tell.
Today is an upwards trending day and making money on days like this is easy. So it will be interesting to see how you progress over time.

Henlow Land....


Thought you might be interested in Mr Harnimans new venture....

it was only a matter of time before he went into property though wasnt it?!

The page popped up while i was looking at the goldline website.
Looks like a well reasoned opportunity but there is clearly a case of ‘buyer beware’.

The first port of call would be the local council to examine the ‘local plan’ which is in force (or and proposed local plan at consultation stage) in order to establish current designations of land use. Looking at the picture of ‘Henlow Grange’ it looks like a pretty nice place. Houses like that are often in areas designated as either “Green Belt” , “Area of outstanding natural beauty” or “Conservation Area” or a mixture of all three. If this is the case then planning consents are a lot less likely. It would also be useful to know how near any ‘new towns’ the estate is. Obviously if it is located in the middle of nowhere then again the chances of a change of planning consent or land designations are unlikely.

With that in mind you have to consider who is ‘offering’ the land options for sale. Obviously if they genuinely thought that the land was going to be worth £1m per acre in the next few years then they wouldn’t be selling it off cheaply would they. Moreover, if they were very sure that the land wasn’t going to rise in value that much then what better way to make money from it. In the meantime they’d still own the land and could of course use it for any purpose they saw fit (unless the contract deemed otherwise). In effect it is a ‘Covered Call’ based on land as apposed to a share or future.

There are a further number of considerations such as rights of access if you were to exercise your right to buy the land. No point having a plot of land in the middle of other plots of land if you can’t access it unless you have a helicopter.

You have got to hand it to this guy he comes up with schemes but as stevespray has pointed out the chances of planning being granted on greenbelt are very slim you would be better to buy a half acre paddock on the outskirts of a town for £8k freehold and hope for expansion, if you want to buy a few acres you will get £3k per acre for agricultural put a barn on it and convert in 20 years
I went to the property show at Earls Court last week and there were simliar companies trying to sell fields divided up into potential building plots,the questions i asked them were
Why are you selling to Joe public at a so called cheap price now if you are so sure of such a good return in the future?
Answers; Cashflow,hedging their bets.
What track record do you have of simliar sucessful ventures?
Answers; None
My conclusion was to stay well clear!
"The moment your wine waiter gives you a share tip you know the top of the rampant bull market is near"

On the basis that most markets reward the 10% astute and punish the 90% who are ignorant I'd suggest that this 'influx' in the type of shemes which Tileman has mention might indicate that a top is near in this type of property speculation.

On the basis that the suggest scheme is an 'option' I wonder what value that attaches to the 'underlying'. In other words, what is the land worth based on the cost of the option. Once you establish that value you can compare it to what it would cost you to buy the land now. Have fun !

Yup do a net search for UK land plots and it would seem every man and his dog has bought a farm field, subdivided it and is selling plots for £3k most are offering freehold for that price though not an option. if you want you can also buy a plot on Hawaii for camping or a plot on the Moon if that floats your boat.
So to get the freehold for your quarter acre is £25,300. But a quarter of an acre would give you just sufficient space to paint a white H in the middle of it so you'd know where to land the helicopter. Mind you, you'd probably have to rent space from a neighbouring plot so that you can erect the statutory windsock to enable you to land and take-off.

All you need to find is four muppets wanting to own a quarter of an acre and you get yourself £101,200. I presume that breaks down as £100,000 is pure profit and the £1,200 is for costs.

I'm just waiting for the seminars to start on how to sell £8k an acre land for £100k. :cheesy:
Who Has Traded With Goldline?

I would like to hear from any one who has used Goldline before I part with any monies for their software. They have stated that they monitor 4 indexes and recommnend the bets to be placed.
Hi Veronica,

Haven't time to search for the link but if you search for the goldline thread (from the discussion menu above) you'll find the can of worms.
Hi veronica,

I went to a seminar with someone called Sandy Jadeja

You will find that he is quite well respected on this site aswell as elsewhere.

He mentioned goldline in his seminar and he reckons you are going to need at least £50000
to trade with it.
