Funds Raised From Traders Day


Established member
Hi all,

Thought you may like to know that I have just looked at the accounts for the above event, total costs including food, coffee, room, AV equipment come to £475 which means that we will be donating £245 to the British Heart Foundation in memory of PT. Great stuff 🙂
On behalf of T2W members that attended yesterday, I wish to extend our thanks to you for taking the time and effort to organise the event. I personally had a great time and found your session particularly relevant. I'm sure every one went away with more than they arrived with.
Well done.
Hi Helen.

I would just like to second everything that Chartman said. It was a wonderful day.

A special mention should also goto Chartman for producing the CD's - I've been reading through the material this morning, and it all looks perfect.

Thanks again Helen and Chartman
Hi H,

ummm, can i third what fb wrote - i really enjoyed it and am glad i came - thanks for putting it all together...