Website for my son


Established member
Hi, I hope no one is offended by me postiing this here, if so Im quiet happy for it to be removed.

Im working on a website for my son, to help raise money for some of the equipment he needs and also to raise some cash for the charities that have already supported him. If anyone has any ideas for this I would really appreciate it.

Its pretty basic at the moment, but hopefully will improve. The current project is to raise some cash to buy a minibus to help transport my son and other kids around and off the island I live on. If anyone knows of any companies that would be interested in sponsoring this kind of thing, that would be great as well.

So far my sons equipment needs have cost over £20,000, this includes his wheelchairs, adapations to our house,etc. Some has been paid for by the NHS, some by Charities and some out of my pocket (My pockets are pretty small so have to look at other means of funding his stuff now). has been the biggest provider so far.


Hi Adrian

for the minibus I would look at corporate sponsorship. Put it forward as a bus for the community. You will probably need multiple sponsors.

My first port of call would be NGT (National Grid Transco) and ask if they have anything suitable or if they would help with sponsorship. They have a good public relations department and do a lot of charitable works. I would phone, get a few names and then put forward a written proposal. Rather than getting stuck in the corporate loop it is probably worth speaking to the External Communications department and finding out who covers your area and speak directly to them.

Hope this helps.