I just want to say a huge and public "thank-you" to all the speakers yesterday. The standard of speaking, knowledge of subject; enthusiasm and love of trading absolutely shone from every presentation.
I didn't take notes as I was so busy listening, and I'm certain I wasn't the only one, so it would be great if (where they exist) you could post up links to your websites and the notes from yesterday.
Once again thanks. I will send out an e-mail with the evaluations later this week and then see if we have enough willing volunteers to run another day in July. If anyone who didn't attend yesterday would like to volunteer to do a session (15 min , 30 mins or 1 hour) please feel free to step forward, it's not a closed club 🙂
Once I have the final invoice in I'll let you know how much we raised for the British Heart Foundation. The raffle raised £95-40 (how we got an odd 40p I don't know 🙂) Thank-you also to TBS for donating the books and Dave Baker for the whisky.
I didn't take notes as I was so busy listening, and I'm certain I wasn't the only one, so it would be great if (where they exist) you could post up links to your websites and the notes from yesterday.
Once again thanks. I will send out an e-mail with the evaluations later this week and then see if we have enough willing volunteers to run another day in July. If anyone who didn't attend yesterday would like to volunteer to do a session (15 min , 30 mins or 1 hour) please feel free to step forward, it's not a closed club 🙂
Once I have the final invoice in I'll let you know how much we raised for the British Heart Foundation. The raffle raised £95-40 (how we got an odd 40p I don't know 🙂) Thank-you also to TBS for donating the books and Dave Baker for the whisky.