Traders Day - Thanks


Established member
I just want to say a huge and public "thank-you" to all the speakers yesterday. The standard of speaking, knowledge of subject; enthusiasm and love of trading absolutely shone from every presentation.

I didn't take notes as I was so busy listening, and I'm certain I wasn't the only one, so it would be great if (where they exist) you could post up links to your websites and the notes from yesterday.

Once again thanks. I will send out an e-mail with the evaluations later this week and then see if we have enough willing volunteers to run another day in July. If anyone who didn't attend yesterday would like to volunteer to do a session (15 min , 30 mins or 1 hour) please feel free to step forward, it's not a closed club 🙂

Once I have the final invoice in I'll let you know how much we raised for the British Heart Foundation. The raffle raised £95-40 (how we got an odd 40p I don't know 🙂) Thank-you also to TBS for donating the books and Dave Baker for the whisky.
And a special thanks you to you helen, for organising it all!

I really enjoyed the day, and it was great to meet so many traders and put some more faces to members on T2W. The standard of speakers were excellent, plus the food was yummy too! 😉

Already looking forward to the next Traders Day in the the Summer.

Mark (FTSE Beater) managed to take some photos during the day and I'll be adding them to the gallery later this week.

What a great presentation Dippers (didn't attend the trading day, just read it). Thank you for putting so much effort into helping others. I have just voted for you! 🙂
Yes Helen,

Thanks for organising the "do", and also organising the raffle etc. 🙂

Thanks for posting the presentation, very interesting. I didn't manage to get there on Sat so it's great to be able to see it online.
