Free EOD feed for Australian Charts?


I'm new so please forgive me if this has been asked (I have looked but obviously I'm keying in the wrong stuff as I can't find any reference).

I'm using metastock and would like to get end of day feeds which I can learn on. I'd like them from Australia. I found text files to download from cooltrader but it's only for one day, so only one bar appears - not much good for learning. Unless I did something wrong.

I will buy feeds once I know what Im doing, but for learning, free feed would be good. I don't care when it comes out (eg, 7pm, midnight, next morning), just so long as it has more data like for a month or three months, etc.

I hope something like this exists. Thanks for your time.
Yahoo finance, but it's at least one day late which won't matter much if you are not trading live. Multi year history. Don't know if there is an adapter for Metastock.
Thanks for that. Has anyone used Yahoo Finance with MetaStock or The Downloader? Is it hard or easy to configure? Are there any guides on how to configure (assuming it can plug in)?