Forex Day Trader's Thread

euro reached 14260 and bounced back up. I doubt it will make a move downward today. Likely start a bounce up to around 145 or so. Just my opinion though
People are obviously buying large amounts of USD on dips.. the 4hr candlestick points to a monstrous rejection. It will not make it past the SMA jumble 1.436-1.437 again.
I'll put my money where my mouth is on this one.. looking to short

1.4355 s/l 1.4385 manual t/p
here we go.. party time..

going to lunch.. I'll need you guys to sell about $20 billion in Euros around 1.4384 if things go wrong.
I got out of my oil short for a 5 tick gain because if it breaks 83.5 I'm going to be stuck on the wrong side.

I have entered a EU short as well. I'm more comfortable with it's volatility at this point when compared with oil.
Finally the dollar's showing a little strength, hopefully this little downmove turns into something a little bigger.
Can somebody please tell me how in the world you are supposed to trade crude oil today? Look at this since the payroll data this morning!


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No, that's why I'm not in it. I'm just pointing out how crazy those moves are. Up a dollar in an hour, down a dollar the next hour.

The dollar is all over the place today.
I have 2 reasons to close a trade before potential storms.

1. it has reached target or is near target => why let it come back all the way, so grab it

2. it's showing small profits or loss => why let it stopped out during high volatility, so limit your loss
woops.. hmm.. well I don't know what to do now.. I guess short at 1.4483 :|

oh well .. awesome week anyway.. I wish I would have gone on vacation yesterday though and avoided this.
That's one of the uglier Euro charts I've seen.. The run up and pullback is typical but the depth and speed of the pullback threw me for a loop. Now it's higher than the original high this morning. Rough day at the office