Spend your money on that and you really will experience a Black Monday. It is yet another masterful marketing campaign along the lines of the Forex Autocash Robot. E-mail millions of receptive subjects. Increase the desire and the want by e-mailing you each day telling you it's coming and getting nearer - very soon you'll all be millionares. LOL. Quite a few will spend their cash on it. Many can't really afford to but are desparate to do anything to improve their situation. Many of the well known system sellers seem to be affiliating themselves to this. Disgusting, in my opinion. I'm thinking of renaming myself to 'Debunk'. There must be quite a lot of misery being caused at the moment by some of these system sellers. Remember, trade what you see, not what someone wants you to see. There is no Guru who knows everything, only price movements, volume and momentum. Breaks of support and resistance, breaks of trend lines etc. Put an RSI indicator on your chart. Look for V shaped excursions above or below the 30 70 line etc. Trade them! Have a nice day.